Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Al Qaeda Watches CNN Too

The freedom of the press is at the core of American values, but you have to wonder sometimes if our enemies greatest source of intelligence is the news. We broadcast everything including our military strategies, information about our weapons systems, and reaction to the war from the population back at home. While I am certain that a free press is essential to our American way of life, I am also sure that those who mean us harm are watching as well. The war on terrorism aside, I think our 24 hour news channels coverage of what would be considered benign issues, could have unintended consequences as well. That would mean that anybody with anti-American sentiments knows in full measure that our economy is on the skids and the price of oil is a big reason why. Our enemies would also know just how contentious our Primary Elections have been, and where the Candidates stand on the major issues. Senator and Republican Presidential Candidate John McCain said that he was concerned about terrorist groups trying to influence the election. McCain said "Yes, I worry about it, and I know they pay attention because of the intercepts we have of their communications". This is not the politics of fear, but rather an all too true reality. Remember the 2004 bombing in Madrid, Spain just before the Spanish elections? So our enemies know how to hurt us. They know about our economy and dependency on foreign oil. A free society like ours in a global economy leaves little room for secrets. Yeah, and there is that whole Internet thing. There is one thing we can control. Let's give our enemies a President in November that they do not want. The best person for that job is John McCain.

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