Tuesday, April 15, 2008

National Day Of Mourning

A movement of silence please. It's April 15; Tax Day. Come on people, there has to be a better way. It all just seems a little unnecessary. We live in an age of technology that should be able to deliver us from this annual nightmare. Tax season has spawned a whole industry of software sales and tax preparers, not to mention a huge Government Bureaucracy. While I do not think it is as simple as the idea of a "flat tax", I do not think that it has to be so complicated. The IRS will still exist and accountants will always be needed for tax applications related to businesses. So what about the rest of us? There has to be an easier way to account for events in our lives that affect our tax status like marriage, a home purchase, the birth of a child. Even though I have some little lovely young deductions of my own, maybe some sort of flat tax would be simpler and even more fair. Why should those who have not reproduced be entitled to less of a refund than I? When it comes to taxes get it right the first time and trim some of the IRS budget. Then Uncle Sam could pass along the savings to all of us. I won't hold my breath.

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