Thursday, March 20, 2008

First You HaveTo Care; What Then?

Many times have we sat with a group of our friends, family members, or co-workers and expressed an ardent opinion concerning politics or a current event. Most of us have numerous issues for which we have a great passion. I know I do and always have as far back as I could remember. I also suspect many people just like a good debate. Today we are living in an
unprecedented age. Technology has made our little corner of the world the globe in it's entirety.
Has it made our world today a better place than say 50 years ago? Sometimes it appears like everywhere we look we find strife but it could be that now we are just able to look everywhere in an instant to find it.
About one year ago I sat at just such a family function when a discussion about the rights of individuals in matters of traffic stops and subsequent police searches occurred. (Yes I was the
protagonist of this topic because of something I witnessed the previous day.) As this topic was discussed, many opinions were voiced and some opposite of how I felt regarding the matter. That of course was OK because as I have gotten older I have come to learn that there is great value in listening to what others have to say. Even a dissenting opinion can help us to see from other perspectives thus improving our understanding of an issue and rarely even change it.
There was one opinion that I could not accept. It was how my Uncle felt about this subject.
In fact it was the same way he felt about many of the other things we were discussing that day. He expressed that there was little value in caring much less discussing things because there is nothing we can do about most things. His argument was more intricate showing he had given some consideration. In sum it was that the average person cannot or will not devote time or resources that are necessary, much less find and motivate many more like-minded individuals.
Therefore caring was a waste of time and we should readily accept the world as it is good or bad.
At that moment I realized how many people I have met over the years whom have agreed with my Uncle; and how they all were wrong.
The truth is I agree with a large part of their argument. Who does have the resources to facilitate change? Obviously not I, as evidenced by the fact you are reading this almost one year
after the fact. The key is I have never stopped caring each and every day since. I came to realize that caring is a potent if sometimes unseen force. It leads to more people discussing issues which grows into the power of public opinion that does have influence. It did take almost one year however this opinion was finally expressed. It would have never been if I had stopped caring.
I invite all who wish to express their feelings about the issues that confront them here or in any forum. Perhaps more people discussing issues and getting involved even in a small way will lead to some change and momentum we can all build upon.

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