Thursday, March 27, 2008

Start Spreading The News

New York, New York, Wow! First Governor Spitzer and the high priced hooker and now the new Governor Paterson and his skeletons. Seems like New York Governors have entire graveyards in their closets. Last week the recently sworn in Governor Paterson admitted that he and his wife had both been unfaithful. The scandal weary New Yorker's seemed to accept this news in stride. At least the new Gov was up front and honest even in his personal affairs (pardon the pun). Most recently, Governor Paterson announced that by the way I used cocaine and marijuana too. Super, any other revelations or have the good people of New York had enough for now? The politicians of my time did not invent scandal but there sure seems to be more with every passing year. Congress was so worried about the steroid scandal in baseball that it had to hold hearings on the matter. I heard it expressed a few times by Congressmen that they were concerned with the example baseball players were setting for the country's youth. Well what example have recent Presidents, Congressmen, and Governors set for America's youth? Please, we are all human but conduct your lives with dignity and respect for your Office, Families, America's posterity, and for your own self. Even if there is some unsavory fact from your past, as a politician today you must realize it will surface some day. It may not be right, however it is the nature of the beast. So kudos to Governor Paterson for getting it out in the open but enough is enough. At least I learned that New York is a City and State that never sleeps........alone anyway.

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