Thursday, March 27, 2008

Start Spreading The News

New York, New York, Wow! First Governor Spitzer and the high priced hooker and now the new Governor Paterson and his skeletons. Seems like New York Governors have entire graveyards in their closets. Last week the recently sworn in Governor Paterson admitted that he and his wife had both been unfaithful. The scandal weary New Yorker's seemed to accept this news in stride. At least the new Gov was up front and honest even in his personal affairs (pardon the pun). Most recently, Governor Paterson announced that by the way I used cocaine and marijuana too. Super, any other revelations or have the good people of New York had enough for now? The politicians of my time did not invent scandal but there sure seems to be more with every passing year. Congress was so worried about the steroid scandal in baseball that it had to hold hearings on the matter. I heard it expressed a few times by Congressmen that they were concerned with the example baseball players were setting for the country's youth. Well what example have recent Presidents, Congressmen, and Governors set for America's youth? Please, we are all human but conduct your lives with dignity and respect for your Office, Families, America's posterity, and for your own self. Even if there is some unsavory fact from your past, as a politician today you must realize it will surface some day. It may not be right, however it is the nature of the beast. So kudos to Governor Paterson for getting it out in the open but enough is enough. At least I learned that New York is a City and State that never sleeps........alone anyway.

The Evil Empire

I have no love for wal-mart. The retail giant has been the focus of a multitude of criticisms over the years. The objections include unfair labor practices, child labor violations, use of illegal workers, safety violations, environmental violations, predatory pricing, and low employee wages. This is only a partial list of issues wal-mart faced in legal disputes, the media, and the court of public opinion. There are even websites devoted to ongoing criticism of the mega retailer as well as a movie documentary titled; "The High Cost Of Low Price" that explores among other things, the retailer's role in the exploitation of foreign labor in sweat shops. It was actually a pretty good film if you get the chance and are curious. The latest wal-mart news story is about a former employee. A 52 year old woman from Missouri and mother of three who suffered severe brain damage in a car accident 8 years ago. Most recently she lost her 18 year old son in Iraq. She won one million dollars in a lawsuit from the other party in the crash which left her a little over $400,000 after legal fees. Her wal-mart medical plan had paid out $470,000 in benefits for her care. She was sued by wal-mart for the money the medical plan paid due to the fine print in her plan which states they have the right to recover funds from an employee if damages are collected in a lawsuit. In a response to one of my forum posts, it was brought to my attention that I forgot to mention what a creep this woman's attorney is. True he did take 60% of her award in fees and fail to realize she would be left with nothing after her health plan was reimbursed. In fairness the attorney, he claimed that he had informed wal-mart and after three years passed he assumed that the woman could keep the money. I do not have to repeat the old saying about what happens to you and me when you assume. Lawyers should not assume. We do not pay them 600k to assume. Perhaps the attorney could refund some of his legal fees to help this poor woman. We would have better luck asking a shark to let go of a juicy tuna. Legally wal-mart is correct but they are morally bankrupt. This is not a huge surprise given their reputation. The most interesting aspect of this story to me by far is just how stupid wal-mart exec's are. Here they have a golden PR opportunity but instead of capitalizing on it, they bring themselves more scorn. The goodwill that the $400,000 could have purchased would have been wal-mart's best bargain of all. (For the record I realize that I did not capitalize wal-mart. They just do not deserve it.)

What Say You?

The Full Story

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Give Me A Break Please

It's official, everything is racist and everybody is a racist. It seems that there is no end to this crap! For me this story is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Basketball star LeBron James is on the cover of the latest Vogue Magazine with model Gisele Bundchen. (You know Tom Brady's girlfriend, that lucky S.O.B.) It seems some are of the opinion that the shot is set up to make him appear as King Kong with the helpless blonde in his clutches. I have even seen it reported that Gisele has a look of terror on her face. Really? Looking at the photo, I see an intense LeBron with a basketball and a Smiling Gisele. I guess that I was blinded by racism or MAYBE IT IS JUST A PICTURE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! We will never get past this issue as a Nation or race (by that I mean the Human Race) until we end this kind of B.S. There are real concerns about race that need to have a dialogue. This is definitely not one of them. If you are looking for something hard enough, you can wind up creating your own reality. Looking up at the clouds, I have imagined many things but never thought they were real. It's like Freud said; "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". Sometimes a picture is just a picture. Take a look and decide for yourself.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Immigration Middle Ground?

Immigration is a hot topic right now and will continue to be in this election. That said, I think this issue is even more important to voters than the politicians or pundits realize. So far Congress has accomplished little with regard to any real immigration reform. (Big surprise here that Congress did not get a job done. Good thing their pay is not performance based.) This issue does tend to bring out the extremists. The "open borders" people on the left and the "shoot them as they cross" on the right. Like some others. I think there is a middle ground or compromise solution to the immigration issue but the extremists do not seem to want to come out of their foxholes. So as a beginning, there are some things on which most people of reason should be able to agree:

1) All countries have the right to protect their borders and sovereignty. The U.S. Government is obligated to provide for the common defense by our Constitution.

2) In the post 911 era, knowing who is coming and going just makes good sense. While the job seeker does not scare most people, the person who is seeking trouble should. Anything could come across our border and that scares the hell out of me. I have seen video on the news of our southern border at night and it looks like the start of the Boston Marathon.

3) We have technology that makes it simple to issue a national identification to U.S. Citizens as well as Guest Workers that will allow us to monitor entries and departures from our borders. (As long as people can only cross at controlled ports.)

4) OK, so there are jobs Americans won't do. We have all heard this pro-immigration argument. So why not do this: if we need an estimated 120,000 workers for the summer crop season, then issue 120,000 temporary work visa's to supply the demand for labor. This has actually happened recently in Colorado if I am not mistaken, where the State Government has estimated a labor shortage for the summer crop harvest. They have asked the Federal Government for help and it would be easy if there was a system already in place.

5) Excusing illegal immigration is a huge slap in the face for all those who immigrated legally and who are currently engaged in the process. How would you feel?
I know that I might feel like a sucker for having taken the time and money required to legally immigrate.

6) We really do not want persons first experience as a new citizen to be a reward for breaking the law. That reward being citizenship itself. If marijuana is a gateway drug than that would be a gateway crime.

7) Round up 12 - 20+ million people and deport them; good luck with that idea. Putting aside for a moment whether the idea is feasible or even possible, consider that it would be the public relations nightmare of all time at home and abroad.

8) America is a nation of immigrants. My Great-Great Grandparents were from Europe. They went to Ellis Island recorded their names and had physical exams etc... Do you think something like that would work in 2008? I do.

9) Each year many illegal immigrants die in the attempt to enter the U.S. This is not good for anyone and can be avoided. Also another PR nightmare.

10) When you are in a foreign land illegally and conducting a public protest, it is probably not a good idea to make demands and wave the flag of your home country. More Americans would be sympathetic to your cause if you simply expressed your love for prospective homeland. A few please and thank you's go a long way.

11) Erecting a wall, fence, or barrier along the border does not necessarily send the message that we are an isolationist nation. I lock my door at night, however I consider myself a trusting person.

What Say You?

The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton

Is it just me or does Hillary Clinton remind you of a character from James Thurber's short story "The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty" ? The American Heritage Dictionary defines a Walter Mitty as "an ordinary, often ineffectual person who indulges in fantastic daydreams of personal triumphs." Yep, that sound like our Hillary. Politicians have always played hide and go seek with the truth throughout history but the "Hill-in-ator" has taken it to a whole new level with her claims of being "under fire" in Bosnia. This is not the first example Of Senator Clinton's imaginary accomplishments. The Senator also claims that she had a direct role in bringing peace to Northern Ireland in 1998 when all evidence is to the contrary. What I do not understand is why news like this does not have a greater impact on the polls. After all it is a complete fabrication except for the fact that she visited those countries. I visited Ontario Canada once. Does that allow me to claim that I went over the Falls in a barrel? I think not. Say there Madame Senator, didn't you invent the INTERNET? Wait a minute, that was Al Gore. Using Senator Clinton's logic, I can now claim that I have the most magnificent Blog on the planet. Of course if I am proved wrong I can always say that I "misspoke".

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Vote For Dr. Death Is....

Dr. Jack Kevorkian announced today that he is running for Congress as an independent. Kevorkian claims to have helped over 100 terminally ill patients end their own lives and served 8 years in prison for his last assisted suicide. If this were a joke the whole story would be the punchline. To be fair, can Dr. Death be any worse than the current Congress? If he offers you a free checkup, I would advise a second opinion.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Have A Heart

An inmate at a Federal Prison in Nebraska was denied a furlough to visit his daughter who is suffering from brain cancer and close to death. What evil S.O.B said no to this request. The system provides for furloughs in "extraordinary circumstance". Even were I not a father myself, I sure as hell would say that this qualifies. The inmate is not a murderer. He is a drug offender. He has served 5 years of his 6 year sentence and is scheduled to be transferred to a halfway house this summer where visitation with his daughter may be possible. Only one problem; she may not live that long. I pray officials reconsider and honor the dying girls request. Absolutely disgusting!

Full Story

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tragedy In Tibet

Today I saw some shocking video of China's crackdown on the protesters in Tibet. We have all seen images of protesters confronting police and/or soldiers before, however it is always disturbing to see the evil that lurks in men's hearts. It is understandable in my judgement, to use strong force in response an attack on your person even for law enforcement personnel. It is quite another thing to repeatedly beat peaceful protesters with a club who are seated in front of a building in a defensive posture. It is an act devoid of all good judgement, decency, honor, and humanity.

My Grandfather's America: Beijing Boycott?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

First You HaveTo Care; What Then?

Many times have we sat with a group of our friends, family members, or co-workers and expressed an ardent opinion concerning politics or a current event. Most of us have numerous issues for which we have a great passion. I know I do and always have as far back as I could remember. I also suspect many people just like a good debate. Today we are living in an
unprecedented age. Technology has made our little corner of the world the globe in it's entirety.
Has it made our world today a better place than say 50 years ago? Sometimes it appears like everywhere we look we find strife but it could be that now we are just able to look everywhere in an instant to find it.
About one year ago I sat at just such a family function when a discussion about the rights of individuals in matters of traffic stops and subsequent police searches occurred. (Yes I was the
protagonist of this topic because of something I witnessed the previous day.) As this topic was discussed, many opinions were voiced and some opposite of how I felt regarding the matter. That of course was OK because as I have gotten older I have come to learn that there is great value in listening to what others have to say. Even a dissenting opinion can help us to see from other perspectives thus improving our understanding of an issue and rarely even change it.
There was one opinion that I could not accept. It was how my Uncle felt about this subject.
In fact it was the same way he felt about many of the other things we were discussing that day. He expressed that there was little value in caring much less discussing things because there is nothing we can do about most things. His argument was more intricate showing he had given some consideration. In sum it was that the average person cannot or will not devote time or resources that are necessary, much less find and motivate many more like-minded individuals.
Therefore caring was a waste of time and we should readily accept the world as it is good or bad.
At that moment I realized how many people I have met over the years whom have agreed with my Uncle; and how they all were wrong.
The truth is I agree with a large part of their argument. Who does have the resources to facilitate change? Obviously not I, as evidenced by the fact you are reading this almost one year
after the fact. The key is I have never stopped caring each and every day since. I came to realize that caring is a potent if sometimes unseen force. It leads to more people discussing issues which grows into the power of public opinion that does have influence. It did take almost one year however this opinion was finally expressed. It would have never been if I had stopped caring.
I invite all who wish to express their feelings about the issues that confront them here or in any forum. Perhaps more people discussing issues and getting involved even in a small way will lead to some change and momentum we can all build upon.