Thursday, April 24, 2008

Defending Mr. Peanut

After pounding former President Jimmy Carter is my article "Mr. Peanut", I can't believe that I am going to defend him now. We must play fair though, if we expect to be taken seriously. So although it is painful, here I go. Today Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Dan Gillermanon, called former President Jimmy Carter "a bigot" for meeting with the leader of the terrorist group Hamas. The Israelis Ambassador called Carter's middle east trip; "a very sad episode in American history." OK, so I agree with the Ambassador on that point. I would add though that Carter's trip was a complete and utter failure, that only served the goals of the terrorist organization Hamas. I part company with the Ambassador when he said; " shame to see Carter, who had done good things as a former president, turn into what I believe to be a bigot." Jimmy Carter is a lot of things, (I am attempting to be nice by not saying exactly what things) but a "bigot" is not one of those things. Carter's trip to meet with Hamas was foolish, misguided, and perhaps born of his ego. Given the many threats that Israel faces, I can understand the sentiments expressed by the Ambassador. Calling Carter a "bigot" is going to far.

1 comment:

jen x said...

Thanks for posting the Bloggers Unite for Human Rights badge! I've added a similar link to my site -- great to see people supporting this,