Monday, April 14, 2008

The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton Redux

The Clinton's must be attempting to use the Jedi mind trick on us. If they payed close attention to the Star Wars saga, they would have realized that it only works on the weak-minded. Perhaps that's just what they are hoping for. Last week former President Bill Clinton (A Jedi Master in the art of BS) was out campaigning for his wife Senator and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. The former Pres chastised the way the press went after Senator Clinton when the whole Bosnia story broke a couple of weeks ago. You can see more details on the Bosnia story in my article "The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton". In quick summary, the Senator and former First Lady claimed that in a 1996 visit to Bosnia, her plane landed amidst a hail of gunfire. Video footage of her arrival that day bore no evidence of Clinton's claims. Although this incident was only one example of the Senator's wild exaggerations, she defended her statement explaining that it was late and she "misspoke". Amazingly former President Clinton stated that the press attacked his wife over the 1995 trip unfairly because it was late and she was tired when she made those comments. He went on to add that his wife as the only First Lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to enter a combat zone. Let me just run that through my Clinton-to-truth dictionary and see....OK now for the truth: Senator Clinton did not just once misspeak late at night about the Bosnia story; she did it numerous times, and not just at night. Her trip to Bosnia took place in 1996, not 1995. Hillary Clinton was not the only first lady since Eleanor Roosevelt to visit a combat zone; Pat Nixon went to Saigon in 1969. In fairness to our former Commander In Chief, I guess it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" means. (Simply the greatest load in the history of BS).

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