Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Secret Life Of The Evil Empire

Wow. That's' the best description of my reaction that I could muster. My jaw actually fell open when I tripped over the fact that Hillary Clinton served on the wal-mart board for 6 years. Here is an excerpt of an article from the Huffington Post: "And the board Hillary Clinton sat on was rabidly anti-union, was exploiting sweatshop labor around the world, discriminating against women workers, forcing workers to labor off the clock and destroying communities that did not want them. This should not be a shock: Clinton was a partner in the Rose law firm, one of the most active anti-union law firms in the country" Several questions come into my mind. How has Clinton managed Union support despite being a Democrat? I have close friends whom are Union Officers and to even mention wal-mart is as if you uttered a profanity. Core Clinton issues like women's equality and health care are at odds with her past association of wal-mart. How does she explain this? I don't even know if it's been made an issue which I find hard to believe. I have not seen anything on the news and I have always watched regularly. This issue would be sure to surface in a general election if Clinton makes it that far. We had better prepare ourselves for the truckload of fertilizer she will unload explaining this one.

Related Articles:

The Evil Empire

The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton

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