Friday, April 25, 2008

Where There Is Smoke There Is Fire

I decided to take a look back at Senator and Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama's campaign this year. I began the year without knowing all that much about the Senator, while at the same time being fond of this charismatic man. While I am not sure that I consider him to be elitist as he is so often charged, only a fool would not see the pattern that has emerged. Obama's supporters would have us believe that the events leading up to now are a series of unrelated coincidences, misunderstandings, and misrepresentations by the far right. First, there is Obama's very close relationship with to Rev. Wright who made the controversial remarks "God Damn America" among others. Then there are Obama's ties to home grown terrorist William Ayers, member of the infamous Weather Underground responsible for bombings on American soil. Of course there is also Obama's Wife Michelle, who has said that she has never been proud of her Country in her adult life. Barack Obama himself has drawn the ire of many for his suggestions about "bitter" people who "cling to guns and religion". Not to mention my personal favorite Obama comment; "typical white person". Where would John McCain be right now if he has said typical black person? I tell you where, off the campaign trail kissing Jesse Jackson's ass to earn enough public forgiveness just to retain his Senate seat. Of a somewhat more speculative nature, there is Obama's refusal to wear an his American Flag lapel pin and allegations that he does not put his had over his heart and make the Pledge Of Allegiance. What would a police detective searching for a motive amongst these clues conclude? I believe it shows a pattern of resentment towards America. Certainly in his supporters and people closest to him, and perhaps in Obama himself. If you are asking yourself is this possible, our Country does have a significant section of the population who blame America for a great deal of the world's problems, with some outright holding their Country in contempt. I do not want to give the whole "love it or leave it" speech, but if it were not that America was a great Country, why then do so many still come to live here. Here is a quote from the Great Martin Luther King; "And certainly, certainly, this is the glory of America, with all of its faults. This is the glory of our democracy. If we were incarcerated behind the iron curtains of a Communistic nation, we couldn't do this. If we were dropped in the dungeon of a totalitarian regime, we couldn't do this. But the great glory of American democracy is the right to protest for right". King understood that America, while not perfect, was a great Country. A land that he loved and devoted his life to improving. Senator Obama's and his associates audacity has made me lose some of my hope.

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