Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Enough Already "Whitey"

Even through the lens of television, we can get a sense of a persons personality. Since birth, much of our instinct and training lend themselves to reading other people's expressions and body language. Of course we also mingle those visual cues about a person with what they have to say. In watching Michelle Obama, the wife of the Democratic Nominee Senator Barack Obama, my impression of her is a little negative. To me she does not appear to be a warm nor especially kind person. Michelle Obama appears to me to carry around a certain bitterness and negativity. Hey that's my opinion and I am entitled to it. What bothers me is the unsubstantiated rumors circulating that Michelle Obama used the word “whitey” at a public appearance. That kind of a smear she does not deserve. If there were any proof at all that she made that remark, I would jump all over it. There is absolutely no proof at the moment and nobody, regardless of their political views, should propagate this lie. Everybody is entitled to their opinion about Michelle Obama, however let's base that on fact, not fiction.

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