Saturday, June 14, 2008

Party Unity My Ass

I have written in quite a few prior posts about how many Obama Democrats would not vote for Clinton in a general election and vice-versa. This data came from where else but a multitude of polls. The strongest poll data showed that more Clinton supporters would not vote for Obama in the general election if he was the nominee. Well Obama is the nominee, so does this spell trouble for the Democrats this fall? The Dems are doing their usual good job at spinning the hell out of issues, but I still see signs of serious trouble. Granted, some of Clinton's Democratic voters will fall into line, but a significant amount may defect and vote for McCain. Have you heard of the PUMA's? PUMA, not the jungle cat or the sneakers. PUMA stands for "Party Unity My Ass". Now first of all, I love that name. Second, that does not seem like a name that a group with some mild and reconcilable differences would choose. I think they have some serious issues with the Democratic Party. PUMA is a group of Clinton supporters who vow that they are not going to vote for Obama this fall no matter what. Many of PUMA's supporters were so disgruntled by the Democratic Primary that they plan to vote for McCain this fall. I chuckle when I hear reports about John McCain's troubles with the more conservative Republicans. By comparison, the Republican Party is more stable than the Democrats. The Democratic Party seems to be imploding.

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