Saturday, June 7, 2008

I Will Not Be Ignored Barack

I just could not resist taking a parting shot at Hillary. I think that this story from a about a month ago, got lost in the busy news shuffle surrounding the contentious Democratic Primary process. A fellow Democrat, Representative Steve Cohen, was speaking on television last month and answered a question about Hillary Clinton's remaining in the primary race. Cohen stated that "Glenn Close should have just stayed in the tub". Cohen was referring to the movie "Fatal Attraction" where Actress Glenn Close portrayed a crazed woman obsessed with a married man. I suppose the comparison Cohen was inferring between Clinton and Glenn Close's character was, that due to mental illness, neither woman gave up long after it was apparent to any sane person that they should quit. As you might expect, Rep. Cohen will not be on the Christmas card list of any women's groups this year. I have said prior in this blog that Clinton had the right to remain in the race until it was over and should not be pressured out. So I think that Rep. Cohen deserves the heat that he is getting for his gaffe. His remarks were wrong and very foolish. How could any intelligent person in Government say such an idiotic thing and expect anything except outrage. If Leno had said it, I would probably think it was pretty funny.

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