Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hard To Believe

The Texas Court reached a deal with attorneys for returning the more than four hundred children currently in State custody, to their polygamist families. The Government really made a mess of this case. Earlier the Texas Courts ruled that State Officials did not have the proper cause to remove the four hundred plus children from the polygamist compound; strike one. Prosecutors failed to bring charges and retain custody of the children despite the fact that at least five of the young girls under the age of sixteen taken from the compound, were pregnant and other underage girls had already given birth; strike two. Now the children have been released on a promise from the polygamist sect that they will place restrictions on underage marriage; strike three, the Government struck out. Sure we are child molesters, but we promise cross our hearts, not to do it again. That's the deal the Government accepted? It's plain to see that this polygamy compound is a cover for grown men having sex with children. Do we believe that they will give this up on just their word? I don't think that it's a realistic expectation. The Government in Texas really failed those poor children.

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