Friday, June 6, 2008

No Laughing Matter

Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson's long time sidekick on the "Tonight Show" is in danger of losing his multimillion-dollar Beverly Hills home to foreclosure. McMahon is $644,000 behind in payments on his $4.8 million mortgage loan that he got in 2005. McMahon has been unable to work in a few years due to a neck injury, but at 85 years old, he should be able to retire. He has found himself in the same situation so many homeowners in the recent mortgage crisis. I feel bad for Ed McMahon, he always seemed like a nice man, and certainly made us laugh alongside Carson all of those years. The Country is in bad shape when even are rich celebrities are facing foreclosure. Ed needs someone from American Family Publishers' Sweepstakes to show up at his door with the big check.

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