Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Final Countdown

The news and the rumor mill are buzzing around frantically this afternoon. About one hour ago, the Associated Press declared that by their count, Senator Barack Obama had won the necessary 2118 delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. While the major news networks still show Obama 10-20 delegates shy of the nomination, the AP has also included 11 delegates Obama was guaranteed, as long as he gained 30 percent of the primary vote in South Dakota and Montana later today. The Associated Press is either really on top of their game, or spreading rumors because as I am writing this post, the AP is breaking another sensational story. The Associated Press now reports that Senator Hillary Clinton has stated that she is open to the idea of joining Obama's ticket. According to the AP, Clinton has told congressional colleagues that she would be open to becoming Barack Obama's Vice Presidential nominee. Wow, that's a switch from her recent rhetoric, but we will still have to wait and see if it plays out that way. For me personally it is my worst nightmare come true. In last month's "I Have That Sinking Feeling", I summed up an Obama/Clinton ticket as bad for myself, McCain, and the Country, but good for Democrats. My main argument being that with a fair share of Clinton and Obama supporters saying in polls they would not vote for the opponent, the Dems have to be concerned about McCain picking up those disgruntled voters. At any rate, when has an primary election ever been so exciting? Many Americans will be glued to the television news tonight to see how this all plays out.

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