Friday, June 6, 2008

Wrath Of God

In the recent "Another Torpedo For Obama", I criticized Father Pfleger's nasty remarks about Senator Clinton, and questioned Obama's 20 year association with him. Father Pfleger was the latest of Obama's friends to draw ire for controversial statements. Obama's past friends and associates have turned out to be quite a cast of characters. That cast would probably cost any other candidate the election, but with an Obama friendly media, he just might get a pass. Father Pfleger does not have the same fortune. Although Father Pfleger sort of apologized for his verbal assault on Clinton, Cardinal Francis George says he asked Father Pfleger to "take leave for a couple of weeks from his pastoral duties." The Cardinal in his statement said "(Pfleger) does not believe this to be the right step at this time." "While respecting his disagreement, I have nevertheless asked him to use this opportunity to reflect on his recent statements and actions in the light of the Church's regulations for all Catholic priests". Oh, somebody's in trouble. I grew up as a member of the Catholic Church and can say that I never met a Priest that acted remotely like Father Pfleger. They were kind and gentle, seemingly absent of hate or divisiveness. Check out the Father Pfleger video on You Tube and decide if he fits into the kind and gentle category.

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