Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama Is Mr. Peanut

Obama said that McCain is "loosing his bearings" not all that long ago but nothing could be further from the truth. Senator Obama and the rest of the Democrats have revealed their major BS theme for running against McCain this fall. The Dems say that voting for John McCain would be like electing President Bush to a third term. Crapola! While Bush and McCain share some similarities, they differ on many important issues. Any intellignet person would realize that they have some similarities being from the same political party, but to say they are the same is unjustified. After all McCain did not earn the nickname of "the Senate Maverick" by towing the Party line. McCain showed how sharp his noodle is when he defended the allegations that his Presidency would be another Bush term. McCain fired back saying that; “From what I’ve seen, as I’ve said, of Senator Obama’s proposals, that would be very akin to a second term for Jimmy Carter,”. Slam Dunk! Stop the fight! McCain defeats Obama in the early round by TKO. Jimmy Carter? Take that Barack! My joy faded quickly as I realized that McCain is right. An Obama Presidency would be like a second Carter term, or worse. For those my age and younger, just do a little Internet research or ask some older folks. We sure as hell do not want to return to the Carter years. Please vote for McCain. The old boy has still got it.

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