Monday, June 2, 2008

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

I caught the end of a story on the news yesterday that had me laughing out loud. It was a clip from the popular video site YouTube titled; "The Empire Strikes Barack". I went and watched the whole five minute video this morning and I have to tell you it was pretty damn funny. I will included a link to the video at the end of this post. The video's creator dubbed the faces of some of our well known politicians over the characters from the "Star Wars" movies. Barack Obama was "Luke Skywalker", Hillary Clinton was "Darth Vadar", and Bill Clinton was "The Evil Emperor". I don't know if Obama can be matched with Skywalker, but compared with the Clinton's, it seems that he is definitely on the "good side of the force". Hillary as Vadar was perfect, in fact she should get herself a Darth Vadar pants suit. Good old Bill Clinton as the Evil Emperor was hilarious but not all that believable. If Bill Clinton had the power of the force, he would likely just use it on women.

Check Out The Video

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