Monday, June 16, 2008

A Great Society In Decline

Most of you have probably heard about the 78 year old man who was struck by a hit and run driver about a week ago in Hartford Connecticut. Traffic cameras later revealed that the man lay in the street for over one minute before anybody came to his aid. The cameras also show at least two motorists slow down to look at the elderly gentleman only to drive off without helping him. A few passers-by even stopped an gawked at the man, then went on their way without so much as even calling for help. Before I go on my rant, I want to say that I understand to a small degree that people are hesitant to get involved. People instinctively run from danger and probably fear they may incur some liability by offering assistance. I assure you that it's true that you don't know how you will act in an emergency until faced with one. That said, how is it that nobody helped this poor old man!!!! I would not even hesitate to help, and I say that because I have been tested in similar situations. Damn the consequences, a mans life is on the line. At the very least one of the passers-by could have dialed 911 on behalf of the wounded man. I do not know how those who did not help, can live with themselves. If the man was being attacked by a gang I could understand people not jumping in for fear of their own safety. There was no danger in this case that should preclude anybody from helping. This is really a sad commentary about our American society today. It begins with children having more rights to disobey, then their parents have to discipline them. Don't even pull out the belt unless you want to have the state family services in your home! That same lack of discipline continues in the school system and there you have it, a morally bankrupt society. It reminds me of the old question; "didn't your parents teach you right and wrong(or manners)"? Well the answer today is honestly, no.

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