Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clinton Will Not Make Nice

I have been meaning to get to this story for a while now. A few weeks ago at a Pennsylvania campaign stop, Democratic Senator and Presidential Candidate Barack Obama said "You have a real choice in this election. Either Democrat would be better than John McCain, And all three of us would be better than George Bush." At the time Senator Hillary Clinton was also on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania , when she heard Obama's comment and attacked like shark that just picked up the smell of blood in the water. Senator Clinton said "We need a nominee who will take on John McCain, not cheer on John McCain, and I will be that nominee." While I have been very critical of Barack Obama when I felt it was warranted, I now find myself defending him for the third time in as many weeks. Despite the negatives surrounding his campaign, and different political beliefs, I find it difficult not to like Senator Obama. At least he is a person of some respect and decency even if your loyalties are to the other side of the aisle. I think that both Senator's John McCain and Barack Obama have kept all of their political punches above the belt. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of Senator Clinton. She scratches, claws, and bites of her opponents ears like the former Heavyweight Champ Mike Tyson. Just what is it that she is objecting to in Obama's remark? Fair Play? Obama is no more McCain's cheerleader than McCain is his. It seems that politics aside, both those men have a sense of honor and fair play, words that have no place in the Clinton Dictionary. Wouldn't it be nice to have a Presidential Campaign with a little less mud slinging? I think it would be refreshing for a change.

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