Monday, May 12, 2008

"Screw Them"

With regard to politics in America, it is what it is. There are some politicians who I think deserve a special distinction. The distinction of being a true villain. I think Senator Hillary Clinton fits that description perfectly. I consider myself to be fair, and to make my case, I point out the fact that two of my recent posts were in defense of Clinton. All politicians play hide and go seek with the truth, but Clinton is a complete phony. Most obvious are her wild exaggerations concerning her role as First Lady, done in order to feign experience that she does not have. To believe her fantasies, we would have to accept her as the peacemaker in Northern Ireland, and John Rambo landing under fire in Bosnia. Clinton claims to be the friend of working class Union families, and proponent of heath care. Well how hard did she work on those things while serving on the World's most hated company's Board; Wal-Mart? In Pennsylvania she painted herself as Annie Oakley. In Indiana she was swilling whiskey with the boys, that phony-bologna. Are we to believe that this is the real Hillary Clinton? After all, she could not even operate a convince store coffee machine by herself. And she calls Obama an elitist. How about her Senate career? Clinton moved to New York just because it would give her the best shot to get elected. I thought Senators were supposed to have long standing ties to their home State that they represent in Washington. Hillary Clinton is a carpetbagger. Here is how the Wikipedia defines a carpetbagger; "Since 1900 the term has been used more widely in the US to describe outsiders' attempting to gain political office or economic advantage, especially in areas (thematically or geographically) to which they previously had no connection" That's our Hillary alright, she only is concerned with her own ambitions, nothing else. If you still believe that Clinton cares in any way about you the voter, then I offer you this. In January 1995, then First Lady Clinton, was overheard taking with hubby and President Bill Clinton about whether the administration should make overtures to working class white southerners who had all but forsaken the Democratic Party in the 1994 Congressional Election. Hillary Clinton said; "Screw 'em, you don't owe them a thing, Bill. They're doing nothing for you; you don't have to do anything for them." Hillary is all heart.

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