Sunday, May 18, 2008

Check Your Facts

I want to borrow from the now famous advertising slogan for milk; "Got Milk?". My new slogan is "Left-wing Media bias?". Kinda catchy huh, and all so true. As if we needed further evidence of this, just watch some television news, pick up a newspaper, or let your fingers do the Googling. Today I caught some of ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos", where the panel clearly worked from the assumption that President Bush actually directly attacked Senator Obama, a few days ago with his speech in Israel. Search online and you will see headlines that actually and falsely state that Bush made a derogatory comment about Senator Obama, and thus was injecting the President's Office into this election. That's when the Democrat's strategy became clear to me. With the support of the liberal media, they waited in ambush to take an opportunity for the DEMS to inject an unpopular President into the election. After all in his speech, Bush did not even mention or imply anything to do with Barack Obama; I listened to the whole thing. Why was there not all of this media hoopla when Obama said that McCain had "lost his bearings" a few weeks ago? Unlike Bush's speech, "lost your bearings" can certainly be taken as an age related insult to Senator McCain. Besides, Obama named McCain directly in that attack. By comparison, Bush never named Obama and was speaking about overall American foreign policy. If Bush were referring to a recent example of "appeasement", he was probably referencing Jimmy Carter's recent failed meetings with Hamas leaders. This whole issue has been clearly manufactured by the Democrats. I say again, Obama's audacity has caused me to lose hope. So much for change we can believe.

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