Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mr. Peanut Strikes Out

I was not alone in my thinking that former President Jimmy Carter's recent trip to the Middle East was ill advised. Many people, including over 50 members of Congress asked the former President not to meet with the terrorist group Hamas leaders. The Israelis made that point especially clear to Carter during his recent visit to Israel. When you distill the concerns of the many who asked Carter not to meet with Hamas, down to it's simplest form it goes something like this. You do not meet with terrorists because the result is legitimizing terrorism as a vehicle to obtain goals. It's that simple. As proof, the leaders of Hamas claimed that meeting with former President Carter gave their group legitimacy and that Hamas should be a part of any peace negotiations. After all, who knows Hamas better than the Israelis? They live in the fear of the terrorist group's constant attacks. Carter really struck out when he was meeting in Syria with Hamas leaders, and terrorist suicide bombers struck killing 13 Israelis. Hamas claimed responsibility for the bombing. I do not think that you can sharpen the point any more than that. With all due respect Mr. Carter; stick to building houses please.

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