Friday, May 30, 2008

The New Keystone Cops II

In the original article "The New Keystone Cops", I compared today's Democratic Party to the old Keystone Cops films. I gave some examples of the more noteworthy Dems who have shot themselves and/or their party in the foot. As you would expect, Former President Jimmy Carter was on that list. Before, it was for his ridiculous meeting with Hamas terrorists, and now he continues to shame his party. Why don't the Dems lock up their crazy old Uncle Jimmy already? Last week Carter was talking about Iran with The London Times, suggesting that The United States and other Nations should engage Iran directly, concerning their nuclear ambitions. Carter was criticizing some of Israel's actions in Gaza when he stated factually that Israel had about 150 nuclear weapons in their arsenal. Before Carter's estimation, many people including myself, had never learned of a firm estimate of Israel's nuclear capacity. Did Carter blunder and let slip some information that he was privy to as President? One things for sure, Carter trotting the globe and opening his mouth is not helping Democrats in this election. I said before that I respect Carter's work with Habitat For Humanity immensely. That said, I thought he was one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history, and I am getting tired of him being in the news so much lately.

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