Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hooray For Herpes

I needed a little break from all of the heavy stuff, so I decided to have a chuckle. I suppose for those men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, a product like Viagra is a godsend. I am sure the day will come when I have to ask the doctor for that little blue pill. While I may be happy to get the prescription filled, I don't think you will catch me singing about it on television like the guys in the "Viva Viagra" commercial. What really makes me laugh out loud is the Valtrex commercial. Valtrex is a drug for the treatment of genital herpes. The commercials always begin the same way. There is a man and woman getting all lovey-dovey and they have big smiles on their faces. You would never know that it was a commercial for a herpes drug, and that the couple are inflicted with this horrible, incurable, condition. One of the pair always proudly proclaims; "I have genital herpes". To that I say congratulations, but if it were me, I would keep that bit of information to myself. I suppose that you need happy actors to sell any product. I much prefer the straightforward approach of the Enzyte commercials. The whole Smilin' Bob thing is a little campy, but at least they don't take themselves too seriously.

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