Friday, May 16, 2008

Death,Back From Holiday

Last month. by a 7 -2 vote, The Supreme Court upheld that lethal injection is not a violation of the Constitution. Lethal injection is the most widely used form of capital punishment. This challenge was not about the legality of the death penalty itself, but questioned whether lethal injection was a humane way of carrying out capital punishment. A separate challenge, pertaining to the constitutionality of the death penalty for people convicted of raping children, has also been heard recently by the High Court. A decision in that case is expected by late June. I understand my fellow Americans who object to the death penalty on moral or religious grounds. I do not agree with them, but I respect their convictions. What I do not understand is those who claim that the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime. While I admit that most criminals do not consider this at the time of their crimes, the death penalty may save lives by limiting the degree of the crime committed. What I mean is if a rape is committed, perhaps the perpetrator will not also murder the victim, if faced with capital punishment as a result. OK, that may be a thin argument. Here is what I am sure of. Convicts fear the death penalty. If they did not, death row inmates would not appeal the sentence for 20 years. I am also positive that the death penalty brings some closure to the families of the victims who often attend the execution. What I am sure of beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that the death penalty eliminates repeat offenders.

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