Monday, May 5, 2008


I am on the record as stating that I am not one of the many President Bush haters. Having said that, I fully realize that he will never be confused with "The Great Communicator". President Bush's policies aside, I admit that some of his speeches are downright painful to watch. I was watching him speak about soaring gas prices Tuesday, when the President said; "I firmly believe that, you know, if there was a magic wand to wave, I'd be waving it, of course." After the President finished speaking, two things occurred to me. The first was, with all due respect to the President, that he sounded like a fool and had no real solutions for our runaway gas prices. In fact, the President suggested that he may be on board for the ridiculous McCain/Clinton gas tax holiday. The second thing that occurred to me was that I have heard him use his "magic wand" at least once before. A quick Googling of "Bush magic wand" was stunning. Not only did the President use the term before, but a whole bunch of politicians from both sides of the aisle have as well to describe other difficult issues. It is at the same time both funny and tragic that our elected officials are speaking of magic wands instead of finding real solutions for our Countries very real problems. Maybe the people need to use that magic wand to make them all disappear and replace them with some regular folks who don't believe in magic.

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