Sunday, May 4, 2008

Swimming In Money

The big oil companies profits keep rolling on in, with some setting new company records for profit. Last month in "Pain At The Pump", I took a look at the suffering us regular, non millionaire folks are experiencing due to runaway gas prices. Chevron, America's second-largest oil company, reported that for the fourth consecutive year, the company made record amounts of money. This quarter was the most profitable first quarter in its history. So why are gas prices so high? Good old American greed of course. With gas at an average of $3.60 per gallon, Americans are taking the hit in their wallets as the price of goods and services soar as well. Perhaps the Clinton-McCain 18.4 cent gas tax holiday will help; NOT! Would it be to much to ask big oil companies to shave a billion or so off of their profits and roll back gas prices? You know, so we can all do the little unimportant things, like sending our kids to college. One day gas boycotts have never been effective. It's hard to get everybody on the same page to avoid filling up their cars on a specific day. Besides, everyone will just have to fill up the very next day. I propose we systematically boycott the stations who's parent company made the most profit that quarter. Then that company would be forced to lower it's gas prices in order to attract some customers. Then move on the the next company and so on. Americans have forgotten that perhaps their most powerful vote is the dollar vote.

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