Monday, June 30, 2008

Oil Soars, Crickets In Washington

The national average price for a gallon of gas has now reached $4.08, according to the motorist group AAA. Gas prices have risen 2.9% in the last month and are almost 38% higher than where they were a year ago. Oil reached a new record high today of $143.67 per barrel, but retreated a bit to close at a mere $140. Meanwhile on Wall Street, stocks have taken a beating for the month of June. Most other economic indicators stink as well. Now for the good news. OK, you got me, there is no good news. There is however an abundance of worse news. Congress has managed to do little to aid our ailing economy, much less to bring relief for the soaring price of oil. I know that the inaction of Congress does not surprise you, after all we have come to expect so little from our Legislative Branch. Things are heating up in the Middle East and I fear that that will really send the price of oil skyrocketing. Iran has now threatened to cut off the Strait of Hormuz, one of the main oil passageways in the Persian Gulf. Iran made this statement in light of the speculation about an attack on their nuclear facilities by Israel. The Middle East is like a powder keg in a world full of sparks. I have said it many times before that we could be close to World War Three. An attack on Iran by Israel could very well be that spark or even the high price of oil itself. Eventually the price of oil may hit a mark that Americans can not endure, and cause a suffering that Congress can no longer ignore.




Sunday, June 29, 2008

Obama Picks Up Gadhafi Endorsement

So Democratic Senator and Presidential Nominee Barack Obama has now picked up the Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's endorsement of his campaign for the Presidency. A much sought after endorsement for sure, and somewhere Republican Nominee John McCain must be silently sobbing. Obama can now add the Gadhafi endorsement to his long distinguished list which includes, Hanoi Jane Fonda, The Castro Brothers in Cuba, PLO leader Rashid Khalidi, other known terrorists, and many more shady characters. In a recent speech Gadhafi referred to Obama as; "our brother, the Kenyan with American nationality." How Sweet, it's always good to pick up an endorsement from another known terrorist. Gadhafi went on to say that "all Africa" is behind Obama's bid for the Presidency. I am at a loss for words. To be fair, Gadhafi also roundly criticized Obama for his recent speech in support of Israel (of course), but Obama has his election time pandering to do just like any "non change" politician must do. It's comforting to know that despite this Gadhafi still considers Obama to be his "brother". Hey I've been all over this stuff for the last few hundred posts. Americans have to make up their own minds about Obama. Just one question; how many terrorist and anti-American endorsements does a candidate have to acquire before we come to the realization that something is amiss?

Related Stories:

Obama's Broken Promise
Obama Loses The Muslim Vote
Big Daddy Obama
Gore Endorses Obama
Obama More Smoke More Fire

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thank You For A Safer World

The Bush Administration has taken a lot of heat over the last eight years for well, everything and anything. Bush bashing is in vogue especially among the Democrats. I have long held the belief that the Dems gripes with the President have less to do with policies and more to do with the bitterness of losing so many bids for the White House. Just look at what Senator Clinton said in her appearance at yesterdays Obama Campaign rally. Clinton complained that the Democrats have only won three elections in the last forty years. If you ask me that means the Democratic Party is out of step with the American People. The Bush bashing is not limited to the Dems. The liberal media has done a lot more than just report the news during Bush's term, they have made it an eight year opinion editorial of his Presidency. So having said all of that, it's unlikely that President Bush will receive much credit for the recent developments in North Korea. Yesterday the North Koreans demolished the 60 foot tall cooling tower at the Yongbyon Nuclear Center, in a major first step towards ending it's nuclear program. Let me tell you something, at that moment, the World became much safer. With all of the nuclear proliferation around the globe, I admit that I was pleasantly surprised to see some positive news for a change. The destruction of the nuclear cooling tower was only part of the deal. North Korea also made a 60 page declaration of its nuclear capabilities in a unprecedented move for disclosure. North Korea also committed to destroying, under international monitoring, the remaining parts of the nuclear plant. Absolutely great news! So where is President Bush's praise for a job well done? After all, this was an amazing piece of diplomacy. All we did was take North Korea off of our State sponsors of terrorism list and lifted some sanctions. The North Korean's really are not terrorists anyway. So in return we made the World safer and have verifiable results unlike Clinton's bum deal with North Korea back in 1994. Don't think Bush deserves the credit? Remember his State Of The Union Speech from a few years ago? He called out North Korea and Iran including them in his "axis of evil". I hope no sane person would debate the threat posed by Iran, and now years after Bush spoke tough about North Korea, we have positive results. It reminds me of President Reagan calling out the "Evil Empire" back in the 1980's. Say what you want about President Bush. I think that Bush lead us through eight of the most difficult years in recent American history with flying colors. We have been safe since 9/11, the terrorists are on the defensive, and North Korea is ending its nuclear program. Oh I almost forgot, Lybia ended their nuclear program a few years ago too. Since the mainstream media will not say it, I will. Thank you Mr. President for a job well done.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Obama And Clinton

I tried not to enjoy the Obama Campaign rally featuring Hillary Clinton today, but I must confess that I did, just a little. The banter between the two former rivals was funny and seemed spontaneous. Clinton poked fun at her age by highlighting her many years of public service suggesting that somebody should say that that she did appear that old. The Obama rally was symbolically held in Unity, New Hampshire. Unity is just what the Democratic Party is seeking, and exactly why Hillary Clinton appeared with Obama at the rally. Polls and pundits alike agree that the Dems have a long way to go to achieve that unity. Many former Clinton supporters say that they are still going to vote for John McCain this fall. I think that Clinton speech today will go a long way towards bringing many of her supporter holdouts into the Obama camp. Undoubtedly, this will not be her final effort to help Obama, as Clinton will likely be very visible in the coming months. She seemed genuinely upset when she told the crowd that there have only been three Democrats elected President in the last forty years. Two of those were her hubby Bill Clinton. Where was good old "Slick Willy" anyway today? He probably still can't come to terms that Obama derailed the Clinton machine and won the Nomination. Obama and his wife symbolically donated 2300$ to the Clinton Campaign to help offset the millions that her campaign is in debt. Obama also promised to help Clinton with much more of the financial hole she is in, which should be worth a few stump speeches by her, on his behalf. Seeing the way Clinton has been over the last few months has really got me thinking. Clinton herself must also realize the fact that if she was loose and natural like she has been of late all along, she would be the nominee. I still would not vote for her though.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Heston Would Be Very Happy

The Supreme Court ruled today that Americans have the right under the Constitution to own and keep handguns in their homes for self defense. Believe it or not, it's the first time the Supreme Court ever made a ruling on the meaning of gun rights under the Second Amendment. The Court voted 5-4 and struck down Washington D.C.'s ban on handguns. Writing for the majority opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia said; The Constitution does not permit "the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home." Scalia added that the handgun is Americans' preferred weapon of self defense because "it can be pointed at a burglar with one hand while the other hand dials the police." Back in April when legendary actor and long time President of the National Rifle Association Charlton Heston passed away, I wrote the article; "Champion Of The Second Amendment". It was part homage to Heston and part hysterical rant. To me the issue could not be more simple; Americans have a Constitutional right to own firearms, period. This fact is not, nor should it be, open to interpretation. How do I come to this conclusion? The answer is simple; I CAN READ! The Second Amendment of The Constitution reads "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." We the People......that's us.
What part of "the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", do the dissenters fail to understand. Is it that they fail to understand or simply do not care and want to remake America to suit their own agenda? In a dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens wrote that the majority "would have us believe that over 200 years ago, the Framers made a choice to limit the tools available to elected officials wishing to regulate civilian uses of weapons." Why is this moron even on the Supreme Court? That's exactly what the Framers of the Constitution sought to do, limit the power of elected officials and permit THE PEOPLE to retain that power you jackass! Justice Stephen Breyer wrote a separate dissent in which he said, "In my view, there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden urban areas." Sure let the criminals have all of the guns in "crime-ridden urban areas" and leave families in their homes defenseless. Well that will sure help......THE CRIMINALS you $%#%#!!!! My blood pressure is spiking so I will calm down..Whew. What gets me going is the fact that the issue is really simple at heart and some still refuse to get it. Take for example, District of Columbia Mayor Adrian Fenty. He said "More handguns in the District of Columbia will only lead to more handgun violence." That is just plain crazy talk. The criminals are going to do whatever the hell they want. They are not waiting around saying "well I guess we will not knock over the liquor store today with that ban on handguns in place". The criminals will get their weapons illegally. Here is a crazy idea; let's work to get the guns out of the hands of the criminals and leave licensed gun owners alone. Well in spite of the narrow minded morons in this Country, today was still a victory. Good old Charlton Heston would have a big grin on his face right now, God rest his soul.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tougher Sanctions For Iran

The European Union Nations approved new sanctions against Iran on Monday. The EU imposed additional economic and travel restrictions on a some Iranian companies and diplomats. The sanctions included measures against Iran's largest bank. This in response to the growing nuclear threat that Iran poses to the world. Someone who I have become a fan of, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, said that a nuclear armed Iran was "unacceptable". It is doubtful that this latest round of sanctions will have any effect on curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions. The World needs to get together right now and totally isolate Iran economically or the consequences will be dire. Only that level of commitment from the World will avert disaster. It is being widely reported that Israel is gearing up for a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities sometime in the near future. While I understand and support that action, I am also aware that it carries the danger of plunging the region and perhaps World, into a war. It's time for the United Nations to get serious on Iran and prove that they are still relevant today.

Obama's Broken Promise

The better I get to know Democratic Senator and Presidential Nominee Barack Obama, the more I disapprove of him. From his several "misspeakings" to his many questionable associations, I am developing quite a negative opinion of Obama. To be fair I was never a fan of his politics, but I liked the guy when he first burst onto the National scene. I think Obama has tarnished his reputation with many other Americans as well. Obama has now declined to take the public financing for his Presidential Campaign, reversing his earlier promise to the contrary.
85 million dollars in public money is available to each major party nominee during the fall Presidential Campaign, but they must agree to decline other contributions. Last year, Obama vowed to "aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election." It's not difficult to see why Obama broke his promise to accept the public campaign funds after he has already raised more than 265 million dollars as of the end of April. The fact that Obama now has seen that he can raise much more money than the 85 million in public funds does not justify going back on his word. Obama offered up his reasoning;
"It's not an easy decision, and especially because I support a robust system of public financing of elections, but the public financing of presidential elections as it exists today is broken, and we face opponents who've become masters at gaming this broken system." That explanation does not cut it for me and hopefully many other Americans as well. The Democrats have raised plenty of money to spend on those soft money ads themselves. I do wonder if this issue will not be seriously looked at by voters who are focused on so many other vital issues. That would be a shame because trust is an important issue. For me it comes down to this; all politicians tell lies.
This is one of those big lies that really should get our attention. Obama committed himself to an important issue of campaign finance reform, and then abandoned that position over money. Obama then called that reform. So I guess reform is whatever Obama says it is at any given moment. The truth is that Obama has been holding the banner of change high for his entire campaign. Change is supposed to be what he is all about. Instead of change, Obama is delivering to the American people the absolute worst brand of "as usual politics". So much for change we can believe in.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Democrats Are Liars Part V

The Democrats have been attempting to lay the entire blame for the War in Iraq at President Bush's feet. That fact prompted me to write this series of posts to show that many leaders, including several prominent Democrats, sought strong action against Saddam Hussein long BEFORE President Bush took office and early on in his term. Now these same Democrats have been crucifying President Bush over the Iraq War for years. I have already covered Democrat's Al Gore, Bill Clinton. and John Kerry. The Next noteworthy Dem on the list is former Senator and VP Candidate John Edwards. While Edwards is not quite as boring as Gore and Kerry, he is right in line with them on how he felt about Saddam and WMD's before Bush bashing was in vogue. Let's take a look at a pre Iraq War quote from John Edwards; "Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal." -- John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002. Edwards remarks about Saddam having WMD's and attempting to acquire nuclear weapons, were quite clear, so should he not share culpability with Bush for the Iraq War? Here is some more from Edwards speech; "The debate over Iraq is not about politics. It is about national security. It should be clear that our national security requires Congress to send a clear message to Iraq and the world: America is united in its determination to eliminate forever the threat of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction." -- John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002. As Edwards suggested, President Bush did in fact rid the World of Saddam Hussein and the threat he represented. Edwards also stated that it's not a politics. Funny he felt that way before the war but seems to have forgotten his own advice now. Check out the links to my other posts below featuring the Democrats being taken to task with their very own words about the Iraq War. In a City of phony politicians, the Democrats are the cream of the lying crop.

Related Stories:

The Democrats Are Liars
The Democrats Are Liars Part II
The Democrats Are Liars Part III
The Democrats Are Liars Part IV

Monday, June 23, 2008

George You Will Be Missed

Legendary comedian George Carlin died last night after going to the hospital Sunday afternoon complaining of chest pain. Carlin was refereed to as "The counterculture's hero", and I suppose he was. I have seen tons of Carlin's stand up comedy, and more HBO Specials than I can count and absolutely loved it. I admit that I used to cringe a little, when Carlin attacked some elements of Government and the structure of society because I surely did not share his political opinions. That fact never stopped me from respecting his heartfelt opinions or realizing just how funny the man was. George was the best at what he did and he will be missed and mourned by many. We shall never look upon his like again.

Oil, One Step Foward....

Two steps back. Friday in "Important Oil Meeting", I shared the hope of many Americans that the meeting of big oil producing nations hosted by Saudi Arabia over the weekend, would bring relief at the pump. The results from the meeting are mixed. Saudi Arabia the world's largest oil producer, kept their promise to boost production; one step forward. Many analysts say that alone will not drive down oil prices any time soon; one step back. Wall Street today is closely watching a tense situation in Nigeria that could potentially disrupt supply from Africa's largest oil producer; two steps back. I can't stress it enough that we must do EVERYTHING in our power to drive down oil prices. Hopefully many small measures can have a cumulative effect on the oil market. Congress must reign in the oil speculators and countries must boost production to increase supply. Demand for oil has already dropped off some, in the wake of the high prices. I think most importantly, we must seriously and willfully explore alternative energies and take advantage of all our oil resources at home. Congress must act now to permit drilling in places off the U.S. coast that OTHER COUNTRIES are already taking advantage of. Sound like a good idea? Add your voice to the chorus, sign the petition:

Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Perhaps I Got It Wrong

In the post "Enough Already Whitey", I said that my impression of Michelle Obama, the wife of the Democratic Nominee Senator Barack Obama, is a little negative. I went on to say that to me, she does not appear to be a warm nor especially kind person. Michelle Obama appears to me to carry around a certain bitterness and negativity. That said, in the above post it should be noted that I defended her. I am rethinking my position about Michelle Obama since I saw her co-host on "The View". Michelle Obama appeared to be warm and engaging. Of course that could be rehearsed for TV, but I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. What really got me thinking was Michelle Obama's kind thanks to First Lady Laura Bush. Michelle Obama said she was "touched" that First Lady Laura Bush came to her defense after she was harshly criticized by Republicans for her February comment that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of the United States. I think that Laura Bush is the genuine article when it comes to warmth and kindness. Michelle Obama may find herself in the First Lady role soon and would not be wrong in following Laura Bush's example. But I still hope her husband does not get elected.

Obama Loses The Muslim Vote

I would have never seen this one coming. Last week at an Obama rally in Detroit, two Muslim women were kept from sitting behind the podium because they wore Muslim head scarves. The two women Hebba Aref and Shimaa Abdelfadeel, where told by a few volunteers apparently that they could not sit in the area behind the stage because they were wearing hijabs. That area's seating would be visible on TV and in photos. So of course Obama called Hebba Aref and Shimaa Abdelfadeel and apologized, something he has had to do many times during his campaign. Obama also put out a statement; "The actions of these volunteers were unacceptable and in no way reflect any policy of my campaign, I take deepest offense to and will continue to fight against discrimination against people of any religious group or background." So Obama has now come full circle and sounds just like any other old politician and Washington insider. Now before anybody jumps on me about Obama not being held responsible for his campaign volunteer's actions, consider this. The volunteers in question were honest with the two women and told them they could not sit behind the stage because of their head scarves. The reason that they offered was "political climate". So here it is, I just do not believe that these volunteers were acting on their own in making this decision about the seating arrangements. Every organization has meetings that establish guidelines and in this carefully controlled election, that decision must have been made closer to the top to protect Obama from the "Muslim rumors". I can't prove that of course, it's just an opinion that seems logical, but it stinks no matter how you slice it. Again, so much for change we can believe in. At least the rumors that Obama is a closet Muslim should come to an end.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Battle Of Monmouth

In April I reported that the Governor of New Jersey Jon Corzine (D), has slated 9 of our State Parks to close or reduce their services, as part of his State Budget cuts. Of particular concern to me was Monmouth Battlefield State Park. The park is set on the site of The Battle of Monmouth that took place during the American Revolutionary War. In the time since, I have written about how the concerned citizens of New Jersey were able to get Governor Corzine to keep his mitts off of our State Parks. Today my family and I spent all day at Monmouth Battlefield Park where they held the annual reenactment of that pivotal Revolutionary War Battle. As usual it was fantastic and enjoyed by children and adults alike. The park was packed, in no small part due to the fact that we almost lost the Park to the Governor's budget ax. The reenactment is also done tomorrow on Sunday around 1PM. If you are in the Central New Jersey area and are so inclined, check it out. You will not be disappointed.

Related Stories:

Thank God It Was Saved
We Saved Our Park
Save Our Park Update
Save Our Park

Summer Solstice 2008

Last night at 7:59 PM it was summer solstice, better known as the first day of summer or the longest day of the year. It always sneaks up on me when it falls on the 20th instead of the 21st. What a lot of people don't realize is that from here it's all downhill. What I mean is that from here until late December, the days are getting shorter. Although these cycles of the cosmos are fixed and were even known to the ancients, I am amazed at how much Human perception is intertwined. Take me for example, one thing that has not changed since my early school years is my perception of time as it relates to June 20 or 21. Just before Memorial Day late in May, the weather gets reliably nice and by the first day if summer I have that endless time sensation. Then the summer solstice arrives, and bang I'm chowing down on a burger at a Labor Day barbecue. One thing that is on my personal "Bucket List" is to visit way up north this time of year when the Sun does not fully set. That has to be a trip for those who have not experienced it. Anyway, happy summer solstice.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Drill Here Drill Now Pay Less

So a gallon of gas is over four bucks and the price of foods and goods continues to soar. Many economic indicators went sour, and the average working class American is suffering. Meanwhile in Washington, it's business as usual. Wealthy lawmakers sitting around with their thumbs up their asses! I don't know about you but I have had my fill of the inaction, empty promises, and ridiculous non starter solutions. As the worlds oil producing nations meet this weekend to discuss the ridiculous price of oil, I like many Americans, want OUR Government to do more. To do more RIGHT NOW! Get those Congressional lackey's in to work over the damn weekend like all of those Americans with two jobs must. In "Our Own Worst Enemy", I was shocked to discover and report to you that many FOREIGN COUNTRIES ARE ALREADY DRILLING OFF THE COAST OF THE U.S. CHINA DRILLS CLOSER TO THE U.S. COASTLINE THAN WE DO!
This is complete insanity! I like many others, now demand that our Government permit drilling in ALL domestic areas where the environmental impact can be kept to a minimum, to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. And I don't' want to here any far left crap about the millions of acres oil companies already own. Listen you Jackass if there was oil there they would be after it!!! That's why it's called oil "exploration", not oil "sure thing". I intend to repeat some of this information again and stay on this topic more until something changes and Americans get relief. There is something you can do right now. Join me and the almost 1.1 million Americans who have signed a petition demanding that the Government allow us to Drill Here and Drill Now! Just click on the link at the bottom of this post. Let's remind our elected officials that they work for US, and if they want to keep their jobs they had better listen up!

Sign The Petition At American Solutions

Important Oil Meeting

As promised, Saudi Arabia is hosting a gathering of oil producers and consumers this weekend.
Thirty five countries, 25 oil companies and seven organizations will attend the meeting, including our Energy Secretary. The Saudis announced their intention to meet a little over a week ago on June 9 . Saudi officials have called the current price of oil "unjustified". In that time the Saudis have announced an increase in it's oil output by 200,000 barrels a day, bringing its total production to 9.7 million barrels a day. So will this meeting bear any fruit? The analysts don't seem to think so. Millions of Americans are hoping that this meeting will at the very least stabilize oil prises from rising any further. I have stated in many earlier posts that I believe a possible solution to our immediate and near future oil needs can be found right here at home.

Please check out this site: American Solutions

Related Stories:

Relief At The Pump?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Big Daddy Obama

On Fathers Day last Sunday, Democratic Senator and Presidential Nominee Barack Obama, gave a speech at a Church in Chicago. Some have called it more like a stern lecture, as Obama chastised absentee Fathers. How can we find fault with Obama's take on Fatherhood. I mean politically my personal views clash with Senator Obama's, but his speech about what a dad should be was right on target. Obama is qualified to speak on the subject, not only being a Father himself, but knowing what it is like to grow up without one. Perhaps he and I just have a lot in common in that regard. Here is some of what Obama had to say; "But if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing - missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it." Obama is on the right side of this issue and I hope this plain talk will wake up a few guys out there. Absentee Fathers are not the only issue weakening the family structure, but it is an important one.

Gore Endorses Obama

At a Obama Campaign rally last night in Michigan, former Vice President and Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore, took the stage and endorsed Senator Barack Obama's bid for the Presidency. Several questions sprang into my mind as I watched footage from the event. First like many others, I wondered if this was a good or bad thing for Obama's Campaign. Personally I think that Gore's endorsement is virtually meaningless, and neither good nor bad. I also wondered why a few pundits were speculating that Obama might ask Gore to be his running mate. Obama would have to be absolutely crazy to go that route. Would Al Gore even want the VP job.....AGAIN? I mean come on, been there done that right? Gore would be transformed in to the " number two" character form the "Austin Powers" Movies. Besides Gore has a good gig going with the whole Global Warming thing, earning him the most respect he has ever enjoyed. Lastly after hearing Gore speak, I realized that he has not changed much over the years. Gore drools on in the same boring and nonsensical manner as he always has done in the past. Here is some of what Gore had to say in his endorsement of Obama; ""In looking back over last eight years, I can tell you we have already learned one important fact since the year 2000. Take it from me elections matter,” he said. “If you think the next appointments to our Supreme Court are important, you know that elections matter. If live in city of New Orleans, you know that elections matter. If you or a member of your family are serving in active military, the National Guard or reserves, you know that elections matter. If you’re a wounded veteran, you know that elections matter.” What the hell does all of that mean anyway? Elections may matter as Al Gore pointed out many times, however politically Gore does not. Imagine Obama selecting Al Gore for the VP spot? I suppose if Obama ever needs to bring down the excitement and enthusiasm surrounding his campaign, he could select Al Gore.

Cyber Espionage

I suppose that we are past the hay day of the cloak and dagger spy working on the ground to infiltrate an enemy instillation. Today's spies are more like a guy alone in a room with a computer attempting to gain access to the sensitive information. Two Congressmen claim that Chinese hackers have broken into Congressional computers. Congressman Frank Wolf from Virginia states that four of his computers were compromised, beginning in 2006. New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, a senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said two of his computers were attacked, in December 2006 and March 2007. Chinese espionage has become a serious security risk for us here in the United States. In "A Serious Threat", I wrote that Chinese espionage has become our biggest counterintelligence problem. Government Officials say there is an intense effort by the Chinese government to steal U.S. Government and industrial secrets. It is also reported that we are having some difficulties countering the Chinese threat. There are many challenges confronting our Nation at home and abroad. With the economic crisis and the war on terrorism, I feel that the issue of Chinese espionage is getting lost in the shuffle. Although we are juggling many issues, we must keep all of the balls in the air and crack down on the Chinese security threat.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More Bad News

In a sure sign that our economic situation continues to deteriorate, prices for wholesale goods rose sharply last month. The Labor Department's Producer Price Index, which measures the costs of goods before they reach store shelves, leaped 1.4 percent in May, the biggest increase in six months. The culprit is once again runaway oil prices. There are a whole host of other economic indicators that show troubled economic times lie ahead. OK, I'm convinced, we are in a recession. When will our elected officials all get on the same page about the economy? Many Americans simply cannot wait until next year after the election is over to possibly have the Federal Government act. What we need is leadership right now. We all know oil is the culprit behind most of our economic problems. Let's get to work NOW on increasing our domestic supply of oil, additional refining capacity, and developing alternative energies. Every day we debate the issue, another family suffers.

Enough Already "Whitey"

Even through the lens of television, we can get a sense of a persons personality. Since birth, much of our instinct and training lend themselves to reading other people's expressions and body language. Of course we also mingle those visual cues about a person with what they have to say. In watching Michelle Obama, the wife of the Democratic Nominee Senator Barack Obama, my impression of her is a little negative. To me she does not appear to be a warm nor especially kind person. Michelle Obama appears to me to carry around a certain bitterness and negativity. Hey that's my opinion and I am entitled to it. What bothers me is the unsubstantiated rumors circulating that Michelle Obama used the word “whitey” at a public appearance. That kind of a smear she does not deserve. If there were any proof at all that she made that remark, I would jump all over it. There is absolutely no proof at the moment and nobody, regardless of their political views, should propagate this lie. Everybody is entitled to their opinion about Michelle Obama, however let's base that on fact, not fiction.

A Supreme Disappointment

Last week the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision, ruled that the terrorists being held in Guantanamo Bay may challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts. When it comes to the issue of the Guantanamo Bay prison, I have some mixed feelings. While I do not think that the suspected terrorists should be granted any of our Constitutional rights, I also disapprove of the terrorists being held indefinitely. So the terrorists held in "Gitmo" should have been processed with more expediency, but it should not be a matter for the Court to decide. We are now left with the hideous decision that grants these terrorists the same rights as American citizens. I fail to understand the basis for the High Court's ruling. After World War Two , The Supreme Court ruled that these rights could not benefit enemy aliens held outside the U.S. That is exactly what these terrorists are, enemy combatants. I love my Country, however I find myself very disappointed with every branch of our Government. I am soberly aware of the difference between my America, and My Grandfather's America.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Still Undecided About Iran?

It is hard for me to believe but it's true that many of my fellow Americans still do not realize the gravity of the threat that Iran poses. There are few dangers in the World today equal to Iran and their nuclear ambitions. I suppose that many Americans are war weary and rightfully so after the long struggle in Iraq. That fact does not however, make it wise to ignore or downplay the Iranian threat in any way. Still not convinced? Last week Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel would soon disappear off the map and that the "satanic power" of the United States faced destruction. Some Americans may not be sure that Iran is a serious enemy that needs to be confronted now. Iran is sure however that America is their enemy, and has threatened our destruction. Soon they will acquire nuclear weapons. It's real simple math people. Might not be pretty, but we have to face it. The sooner the better.

Related Stories:

Here We Go Again

The Democrats Are Liars Part IV

The Democrats have been attempting to lay the entire blame for the War in Iraq at President Bush's feet. That fact prompted me to write this series of posts to show that many leaders, including several prominent Democrats, sought strong action against Saddam Hussein long BEFORE President Bush took office and early on in his term. Now these same Democrats have been crucifying President Bush over the Iraq War for years. Next Dem up is good ole "Slick Willie" himself, former President Bill Clinton. Way back in 1998 long before Bush took office, Bill Clinton believed that Saddam was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. President Clinton said; "The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." Every time a finish an article in this series, I become more astonished that a good number of Americans buy into the Democrats lie. Whatever your position with regard to the War in Iraq, the responsibility for sending our soldiers into harms way belongs to the Democrats and Republicans in equal measure.

Related Posts:

The Democrats Are Liars
The Democrats Are Liars Part II
The Democrats Are Liars Part III

Obama, More Smoke More Fire

I was reviewing some of my Obama stories, of which some of them are linked below. Many of those stories deal with Obama's associations with what can be best described as "questionable" people. Now there is another to add to that list. Soon after Obama secured the Democratic nomination, he announced that he formed a team to aid him in selecting a Vice Presidential running mate. One of Obama's choices was former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson, whose associations with sub-prime lender Countrywide Financial touched off another controversy for the Democratic Nominee. Johnson was reported to have received over 7 million dollars in "sweetheart" loans from Countrywide. Anyone who has listened to Obama speak over the last year or so, must have heard him rail Countrywide by name in light of the sub-prime lending crisis. So what does this mean? Obama and his campaign staff are pretty sharp, so I find it hard to believe that Johnson's appointment was an oversight. It is more likely that even "the candidate of change" still defers to the Washington insiders. Johnson resigned last week from Obama's VP search team.

Related Stories:

Where There Is Smoke There Is Fire
Obama Is Mr. Peanut
Getting To Know Obama
Thank You For Being A Friend Obama

Monday, June 16, 2008

Poly-Tics As Usual Part V

I am already on the record for supporting Senator John McCain this fall for President. As anybody who has read this blog can tell you, McCain would not been my first choice and I do not agree with everything in his platform. I simply reasoned that McCain is an honorable man who has the right qualities that we need in a President at this time. That is especially true when McCain is compared to Democratic rival Senator Barack Obama. Having said all of that again, it's days like this that make me cringe. Earlier today, I was watching McCain speak at a campaign stop. I felt ill when he mentioned his ridiculous "gas tax holiday" again as a way to combat runaway gas prices. I had hoped that McCain had given up on that idiotic idea. Didn't somebody in his campaign show McCain the polls that revealed what a joke the American people thought the "gas tax holiday" was? McCain's foolish 18.4 cent break on gas gets more and more lame every time gas goes up. With the National average for a gallon of gas well over four bucks now, the 18.4 cents looks even more like a political stunt now than it did before. It also makes McCain appear even more out of touch with the reality of the life of the everyday American. Somebody ought to tell McCain to lose this "gas tax holiday" idea and come up with something better, before it costs him the election. Oh wait, I just told him. I hope he listens.

Related Stories:

Poly-Tics As Usual
Poly-Tics As Usual Part II
Poly-Tics As Usual Part III
Poly-Tics As Usual Part IV

A Great Society In Decline

Most of you have probably heard about the 78 year old man who was struck by a hit and run driver about a week ago in Hartford Connecticut. Traffic cameras later revealed that the man lay in the street for over one minute before anybody came to his aid. The cameras also show at least two motorists slow down to look at the elderly gentleman only to drive off without helping him. A few passers-by even stopped an gawked at the man, then went on their way without so much as even calling for help. Before I go on my rant, I want to say that I understand to a small degree that people are hesitant to get involved. People instinctively run from danger and probably fear they may incur some liability by offering assistance. I assure you that it's true that you don't know how you will act in an emergency until faced with one. That said, how is it that nobody helped this poor old man!!!! I would not even hesitate to help, and I say that because I have been tested in similar situations. Damn the consequences, a mans life is on the line. At the very least one of the passers-by could have dialed 911 on behalf of the wounded man. I do not know how those who did not help, can live with themselves. If the man was being attacked by a gang I could understand people not jumping in for fear of their own safety. There was no danger in this case that should preclude anybody from helping. This is really a sad commentary about our American society today. It begins with children having more rights to disobey, then their parents have to discipline them. Don't even pull out the belt unless you want to have the state family services in your home! That same lack of discipline continues in the school system and there you have it, a morally bankrupt society. It reminds me of the old question; "didn't your parents teach you right and wrong(or manners)"? Well the answer today is honestly, no.

It's Nifty To Be 250

In just under four months I hit another milestone on my blog. This is my 250th blog post. The last couple of months have been busy and I have devoted much of my time to working on this blog. I still have several dozen things that I wanted to write about that have been put on the back burner for months. The crazy Democratic Primary had me blogging my behind off. I have been putting the brakes on of late in an attempt to rejoin my life. In the coming weeks I hope to catch up and talk about some of the interesting stories that went by the wayside. For this post I decided to include the links to some of my favorite stories from the first 250. Thank you to everybody who has left comments. Even the nasty ones.

Some Of My Favorites:

Obama Is Mr. Peanut
The Democrats Are Liars
Ode To Hillary Part III
Thank You For Being A Friend
Thank God It Was Saved
20/20 Vision At 86
Feeling Good At 100
You're Out Of Touch
Infringing On Our Rights
Penis Envy
"Screw Them"
Bloggers Unite For Human Rights

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Belated Flag Day

Well I missed it again! Yesterday June 14, was Flag Day. Just like every year on the same date. I don't know what it is about Flag Day that seems to give me temporary amnesia. Luckily, we fly our Flag most of the spring and summer so I was covered. If you own and fly an American Flag (and I hope that you do if you're an American), you will get a little booklet with the Flag that lists the days on which it should be displayed. As you might have guessed, Flag Day is an important one. So what exactly is Flag Day? It commemorates the adoption of the Our Flag which happened by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. Flag Day is not an official Federal Holiday, but should it be? It is a pretty important day in our Nation's history. I think that Americans of my generation are ready to see a new Federal Holiday created. The only one in my lifetime was Martin Luther King Jr. day, and while it was long overdue, it will always be a somber day for me remembering a great man who's life was cut tragically short. So will Flag Day get the job? I think not. While I guess this should not matter, Flag Day is too close to Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. My idea is to create a generic holiday and call it America Day. We can celebrate America Day in March or April. After all its a long stretch between President's Day and Memorial Day.

Father's Day 2008

Just taking a quick break from my Father's Day activities. As a Father, I have always been disappointed that Mother's Day seems to get more attention. Not that I have anything against Moms, I even happen to have one you know. It's just that I think Dad's on Father's Day deserve equal attention. So my children an I are off to go visit Grampa and Great-Grampa. It's Father's Day in My Grandfather's America. Hope you enjoy yours.

The Democrats Are Liars Part III

The Democrats have been attempting to lay the entire blame for the War in Iraq at President Bush's feet. That fact prompted me to write this series of posts to show that many leaders, including several prominent Democrats, sought strong action against Saddam Hussein long BEFORE President Bush took office and early on in his term. Now these same Democrats have been crucifying President Bush over the Iraq War for years. I begin with Senator John Kerry, good ole flip-flopper himself. Now I move on to Democrat, former Vice President, Nobel Prize Winner, and Mr. Global Warming himself, Al Gore. Kerry and Gore should have a heavyweight match up to see who is the champion of boring. The two have a lot in common. Not only were they both bitch-slapped by President Bush in elections, they are also complete phonies, especially on the Iraq War issue. Let's check out what the former VP Gore had to say before it became stylish to "Bush-bash". On Sept. 23, 2002, Al Gore said; "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power. We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Wow that sure is a change of pace from Gore's rhetoric recently. So boo-hoo Gore is going to claim that he was misled by faulty Bush Administration intelligence? Gore hung himself with his own words when he said "we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." Well as it turns out, Bush and our intelligence community listened to Al Gore and made the same assumption. How can Gore deny it? Why don't Americans get more educated with regard to politics? It's in all of our best interests. The Democrats are really snakes in the grass. Carter should shut his pie hole and build houses and Gore should stick to saving the planet. At least those are noble pursuits.

Related Stories:

The Democrats Are Liars

The Democrats Are Liars Part II

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Party Unity My Ass

I have written in quite a few prior posts about how many Obama Democrats would not vote for Clinton in a general election and vice-versa. This data came from where else but a multitude of polls. The strongest poll data showed that more Clinton supporters would not vote for Obama in the general election if he was the nominee. Well Obama is the nominee, so does this spell trouble for the Democrats this fall? The Dems are doing their usual good job at spinning the hell out of issues, but I still see signs of serious trouble. Granted, some of Clinton's Democratic voters will fall into line, but a significant amount may defect and vote for McCain. Have you heard of the PUMA's? PUMA, not the jungle cat or the sneakers. PUMA stands for "Party Unity My Ass". Now first of all, I love that name. Second, that does not seem like a name that a group with some mild and reconcilable differences would choose. I think they have some serious issues with the Democratic Party. PUMA is a group of Clinton supporters who vow that they are not going to vote for Obama this fall no matter what. Many of PUMA's supporters were so disgruntled by the Democratic Primary that they plan to vote for McCain this fall. I chuckle when I hear reports about John McCain's troubles with the more conservative Republicans. By comparison, the Republican Party is more stable than the Democrats. The Democratic Party seems to be imploding.

Discovery Home Safe

As I watched the Space Shuttle Discovery land today with my kids, I suddenly realized just how old the Shuttle is. I can remember watching Shuttle launches and landings in grade school. Watching the Space Shuttle take off and land never gets boring for me. I am still amazed by how the massive undertaking of a shuttle mission is made to appear easy by the talented people at NASA. When watching the Shuttle launches and landings, the Challenger and Columbia tragedies are never far from my mind. On the day of the Challenger accident I happened to be home from school sick. I was around 12 years old at the time, and seeing the Challenger explosion live on television is something that I can never forget. The prayers of many Americans fly with the brave crews of the Space Shuttle on every mission. I think it may be time to update our 30 year old Shuttle fleet. After all, most of us do not even have cars that are half that age.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday The 13th

See now I reminded you along with myself that today is Friday the 13th. I can remember as far back as my school years, that I would always forget that it was Friday the 13th until late in the day when someone reminded me. Then for the remainder of the day I would have to be concerned with bad luck. So do you believe in this silly superstition? Obviously many people do. Donald Dossey, founder of the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, North Carolina, says that; "It's been estimated that [U.S] $800 or $900 million is lost in business on this day because people will not fly or do business they would normally do." After all of these years I finally took the time to research the origins of Friday the 13th. I was suprised to see that in actuality it is a culmination of several different myths and superstitions. I was interesting reading so check it out here. At least I had the courtesy to wait to late in the day to remind you that it was Friday the 13th. Just a few more hours to go.

Another Stray Clinton Story

Here is another one I forgot to write about in the closing week of the Democratic nomination. Did you see Harriet Christian's outburst at the DNC Rules Committee meeting at the end of May? Harriet Christian was upset (obviously) that the vote did not go Clinton's way. Here is an excerpt of the comments made by Harriet Christian; "I'm proud to be an older American woman. ["Where are you from?" a reporter asks her.] New York City. Hillary state. The best nominee that's possible, and the Democrats are throwing the election away. For what? An inadequate black male, who would not have been running had it not been a white woman who was running for president. I'm not going to shut my mouth anymore. I can be called white but you can't be called black. That's not my America. It's equality for all of us. It's about time we all stood up for it. I'm no second class citizen. And goddamn the Democrats. "I came here for the vote of every American, and our Democratic party threw us down the tubes. I was a second class citizen before, now I'm nothing. Why? Because they want to do what they want to do. And they think we won't turn and vote for McCain. Well I got news for all of you. McCain will be the next president of the United States." OK, so Harriet Christian is an ardent Clinton supporter and was miffed in general about how the primary turned out. Hey she's entitled to her opinion. She apparently feels that racism trumped sexism, but I think Hillary lost jest because of who she is, not her gender. What I thought was really interesting was Harriet Christian's comment on race. Although she expressed it poorly, I think she meant to highlight the frustration of white folks over the race issue. Many white Americans are unwilling to even enter into a discussion about race for fear of being labeled a racist. While there is still legitimate race issues in our Country, "the race card" is played too often. The other interesting part of Christian's speech was her suggestion that herself and like-minded people were going to vote for McCain. In what should be the Democrats year, that may just be enough to turn the tide for McCain.

Related Stories:

Give Me A Break Please

When Racism Will End

We Are Way Too Sensitive

Obama Is Mr. Peanut

Obama said that McCain is "loosing his bearings" not all that long ago but nothing could be further from the truth. Senator Obama and the rest of the Democrats have revealed their major BS theme for running against McCain this fall. The Dems say that voting for John McCain would be like electing President Bush to a third term. Crapola! While Bush and McCain share some similarities, they differ on many important issues. Any intellignet person would realize that they have some similarities being from the same political party, but to say they are the same is unjustified. After all McCain did not earn the nickname of "the Senate Maverick" by towing the Party line. McCain showed how sharp his noodle is when he defended the allegations that his Presidency would be another Bush term. McCain fired back saying that; “From what I’ve seen, as I’ve said, of Senator Obama’s proposals, that would be very akin to a second term for Jimmy Carter,”. Slam Dunk! Stop the fight! McCain defeats Obama in the early round by TKO. Jimmy Carter? Take that Barack! My joy faded quickly as I realized that McCain is right. An Obama Presidency would be like a second Carter term, or worse. For those my age and younger, just do a little Internet research or ask some older folks. We sure as hell do not want to return to the Carter years. Please vote for McCain. The old boy has still got it.

Related Stories:

Obama Owes McCain An Apology

Does Mr. Peanut Matter?

Mr. Peanut Jumps Ship

The Doomsday Vault

What an ominous name, the Doomsday Vault. So what is it exactly? The Doomsday Vault is officially known as the "Svalbard Global Seed Vault." It's built to warehouse backup copies of all the world's crops and stores about 1.5 billion seeds. Located deep inside a mountain on a Norwegian island close to the Artic Circle, the seeds are stored at sub zero temperatures. The seed vault can survive the ravages of climate change, nuclear war, or even an apocalyptic asteroid strike. The vault was also constructed to combat crop extinction. Apparently modern methods of agriculture has lead to the extinction of thousands of variates of food crops. For example, in the 1800's in the United States people were growing 7,100 named varieties of apples that were catalogued. We have lost about 6,800 of those, making the extinction rate for apples varieties in the United States about 86 percent. For those reasons, I think that this seed vault is not only a great idea but also a necessity. It really is a shame what we have done to our planet. My family and I love to go to the orchard in the fall and pick apples right off of the tree. I should have liked the opportunity to taste some of the 86% of varieties now extinct. It's really depressing when you think about it.

Related Stories:

Time To Fire Congress

The Cow Jumped Over The Moon(s)

You Need A Better Hobby

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nightmares At 3 A.M.

I have pages upon pages of scribbled notes that I use to write the posts for this blog. Whenever I see something interesting on the news or the web, I jot it down and perhaps it becomes part of my blog. I have one page in particular that could be best described as my random thoughts page. Sometimes those thoughts can be pretty random like the one that I called "3 AM nightmare". When I came across it this morning my original intention sprang back to memory. Do you remember Hillary Clinton's "3 A.M. TV commercial" from a few moths ago? Allow me to refresh your memory with an text excerpt; "It's 3:00am and your children are asleep, there's a phone in the White House, and it's ringing. Something is happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call. Whether someone knows the world's leaders, knows the military, someone tested and ready to lead. It's 3am and your children are safe and asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?". I remember thinking at the time; anybody but Hillary Clinton! Is this common that the White House phone rings in the middle of the night? What about daytime emergencies? Seriously, lets consider the perspective of a Clinton supporter. I can see how Clinton's domestic policy might appeal to them. What I do not understand is how anybody feels "safer" with her in the White House. Clinton claims that she "knows the military". How do you know them, because you met the military? How exactly was Clinton "tested and ready to lead"? In her imagination in Bosnia? So who meets all of those qualifications? Simple answer, John McCain. He's been around awhile so he knows the world's leaders. McCain sure as hell knows the military and he has been tested in a trial that most of us could not endure in Vietnam.

Related Stories:

Hang Up If Clinton Answers At 3 AM

Ode To Hillary Part I

Getting To Know Obama

I think many Americans have been taken in by Democratic Senator and Presidential Nominee Barack Obama's considerable charm. When I have looked past Obama's obvious poise and style in recent months, I have been disturbed by his substance. In a Presidential Campaign the mud slings all over the place for certain. Many things about the Candidates past, come to light and are often exaggerated. When it comes to Senator Obama, there are just too many disturbing indicators about who is the "true Obama". From his many questionable associations, to some of his troubling remarks, Obama is turning out to be a man in conflict with his extremely polished image. Last week a story broke about an Illinois Veteran of the Iraq War. That Iraq Veteran and his political group sought a meeting with their home Senator, Barack Obama to discuss a range of issues. Obama turned down the Veterans request. Still smarting from Obama's snub, the Veteran's group placed a television ad that called out Senator Obama. In the process they raised some important points about Barack Omama. Why is Obama unwilling to meet with U.S. Generals and Veterans, when he has stated many times that he is willing to meet with terrorists and the leaders of Iran, a State sponsor of terrorism? Also how can Obama profess to speak about or understand the Iraq War issue, when he will not meet with the aforementioned groups, and has not visited Iraq in over two and a half years? What really rings my alarm bell is the question of why Senator Obama did not avail himself at least to take advantage of this political opportunity to meet with the Veterans in this election year? In addition to all of the other things that have come out about Obama, I find myself uncomfortable with the prospect of a President that cares more about diplomacy with terrorists, than his own American troops. Obama did not even care enough to feign compassion for political gain.

Related Stories:

Thank You For Being A Friend Obama

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bush In The Home Stretch

It has to be a pretty strange feeling when a President has spent the last eight years in The White House and is in the final six months of his term. By that point, most of the attention is on the election of the next President. The sitting President can't accomplish all that much, and is doing the political equivalent of football's taking a knee to run out the clock. Monday President Bush left for his farewell trip to Europe. Yesterday Bush and some of our European allies, threatened tougher sanctions against Iran if they do not give up on their nuclear weapons ambitions. President Bush said; "A group of countries can send a clear message to the Iranians, and that is: we're going to continue to isolate you, we'll continue to work on sanctions, we'll find new sanctions if need be if you continue to deny the just demands of a free world." I agree with the fact that we must do everything in our power to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions. I wonder how effective President Bush can be with regard to Iran now that he is essentially a "lame duck". The Iranians know that we will have a new President soon, and if that is Obama, perhaps they can continue to pursue their nuclear program. It's not only Presidents that feel strange near the end of a term. I have always had that uneasy, yet excited feeling of change as well. Many of us mark time by who was in the White House. Thinking back on the last eight years, I am in awe of just how much has changed in that time. Nothing illustrates this feeling more than 9/11. So significant was this event, that we have actually placed a bookmark in history. There is the pre 9/11 era, and the post 9/11 era today. Pretty powerful when you stop to think.

The Democrats Are Liars Part II

I am continuing the story from yesterday's "The Democrats Are Liars", about the Democrats who perpetrate the myth that President Bush and the Republicans are solely responsible for the Iraq War. I began with Senator John Kerry and his astonishing speech back in 1997 on the Senate floor. Kerry was calling for military action against Saddam Hussein and Iraq when Bill Clinton was President at that time. So how did Kerry later come to say that President Bush misled us into war in Iraq? Back in the 2004 Presidential Campaign, Kerry earned a well deserved reputation as a "flip-flopper" on important issues. So it did not surprise me to learn that Kerry voted against going to war with Saddam Hussein in 1991 after he'd invaded Kuwait, but on the other hand, he voted for going to war against Saddam Hussein in 2002 in support of President Bush. Further proof of Kerry's belief that Iraq had WMD's prior to the Bush administration comes in the form of a letter that Senator Kerry sent to then President Bill Clinton. Here is an excerpt from that letter; "October 9, 1998 Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, today, along with Senators McCain, Lieberman, Hutchison and twenty-three other Senators, I am sending a letter to the President to express our concern over Iraq's actions and urging the President `after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs". So it is perfectly clear that Senator Kerry and the Democrats attempts to put the blame for the Iraq War on President Bush is wrong. The Democrats have perpetrated a complete and utter lie. It's astonishing that so many Americans have bought into it.

This Is Hilarious

It's plain to see that I am not the only one who misses Hillary Clinton now that she has taken a step back out of the spotlight. All of the major news networks are still running stories about her exit speech or examining what happened to cause her campaign to fall apart. So I was checking my notes and found a few stories that I failed to write about Clinton. Remember the old game "Connect Four"? It had black and red checkers that you dropped into slots. It was sort of a cross between tic-tac-toe and checkers. Anyway, have you seen the video spoof of a young Hillary Clinton? She really never could stand defeat. Check out the video here.

Related Stories:

In A Galaxy Far Far Away

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Too Fat To Fly

The airlines are hurting like everyone else due to the soaring price of fuel. Some have placed surcharges on luggage. Hey they gotta make up for the fuel somehow. One idea that I heard the airlines are floating out there is charging a premium for obese people. At first, that sounds like a slap across the face, but is it? I mean technically it makes sense. When you ship a package, weight is the major factor that determines the price of that parcel. So while technically correct, the idea to charge heavy people is just plain stupid. What a PR nightmare that is. The airlines should just bury the rising costs in some other fee or charge. I mean who is going to determine who is fat? Are all passengers going to step on a scale before they board the flight? Is there going to be a chart with a weight to height ratio? What do you do with a bodybuilder, he may be heavy but not fat? The airline that tries this is headed for big trouble and many lawsuits. I am sure that a smart competitor can turn this to their advantage. Something like "fly with us, one price because we do not discriminate when it comes to our passengers". Then they will just probably just charge $10 for a bag of peanuts to make up for the difference.

Related Stories:

Fly The Un-Friendly Skies

Time To Fire Congress

Last week, the Senate stalled on the passage of a Bill designed to take on Global Warming by cutting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Sometimes the Congress gets along like a preschool class and they do not deserve to have their jobs. The Senate Republicans demanded a reading of the Bill which is a 492 page document. This is out of the ordinary procedure, so why did the Republican leadership demand this? The Republican filibuster was due to the fact that the Democrats failed to approve the appointment of three federal judges before Memorial Day, as had been promised. Well that sounds like a good reason to delay clean air. Don't you ever wish that you could line up some of our elected officials and give them "the three stooges" slap? They are acting like babies, and the important work of the Nation hangs in the balance. Let's give as many incumbents as we can a pink slip this fall. That will get the attention of the Congressional Kindergarten.

The Democrats Are Liars

The Democrats are liars and that is the bottom line. The Republicans are not much better, but when taken as a group, the Dems take the lying cake. The Democrats have been attempting to lay the entire blame for the War in Iraq at President Bush's feet, especially with the November election fast approaching. Now that the Democratic Primary is finally over, I wanted to do a story that looks back at the Dems position concerning Iraq in the past, compared with their statements today. A single story, however that is not possible. In order to cover all of the lies of some of the major Democrats concerning Iraq, it will take a whole series of posts. I begin with Senator John Kerry, a man that makes a root canal look like a good time as opposed to listening to him speak. On November 9, 1997, John Kerry made a speech from the floor of the Senate. I his speech Kerry said; "In my judgment, the Security Council should authorize a strong U.N. military response that will materially damage, if not totally destroy, as much as possible of the suspected infrastructure for developing and manufacturing weapons of mass destruction, as well as key military command and control nodes. Saddam Hussein should pay a grave price, in a currency that he understands and values, for his unacceptable behavior." I freely admit that my math is not the best, but isn't 1997 a full three years BEFORE Bush was President. Wasn't Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton the President? Who was Senator Kerry trying to convince? Kerry was pretty firm in that speech and left little room for doubt in the action that he was seeking concerning Iraq. Kerry went on in that same 1997 speech to say; "This should not be a strike consisting only of a handful of cruise missiles hitting isolated targets primarily of presumed symbolic value. But how long this military action might continue and how it may escalate should Saddam remain intransigent and how extensive would be its reach are for the Security Council and our allies to know and for Saddam Hussein ultimately to find out". Is that the same John Kerry who has so vehemently blamed Bush and the Republicans entirely for Iraq? To cover their collective asses, the Democrats cry that they were mislead by Bush about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction capability. Kerry's above 1997 speech proves that to be false and there is much, much more. How did I get from an idea for one story to a whole series on this subject? The Internet of course. While researching one thing sometimes you learn a whole lot more than you expected. Americans should and can know the truth. It's only a Google away.

Related Stories:

The New Keystone Cops

The New Keysone Cops Part II

Relief At The Pump?

Are my eyes and ears deceiving me? Is it possible that in the near future we will get some relief from the ever rising price of gas? The Associated Press (AP) reports that "Saudi Arabia says it will call for a meeting of oil producing countries and consumers to discuss soaring oil prices and work to prevent unjustified rise in prices". Wow, what caused the big Saudi turn around? Some behind the seen negotiations in the wake of President Bush's recent trip to the oil producing nation perhaps? I suppose that the why does not really matter, what does matter is whether or not these meetings proposed by the Saudi's, will help to stem the rising price of oil. The Saudi's say that the current price of oil is unjustified and that they will work with OPEC to "guarantee the availability of oil supplies now and in the future." That sounds like some pretty firm Saudi declarations, however one must question their intentions to a degree. After all, the higher the price of oil, the more they profit.

Safety First? Part II

Way back in April I wrote "Safety First", which dealt with the many City Governments across our Nation that have installed cameras atop traffic lights under the guise of safety, when in reality, they were meant for profit. As it turns out, there is evidence to support that the traffic cameras have improved safety at those intersections where they have been installed, but some Cities have removed them anyway. Why, because they were working too well and cutting into the Cities profits from traffic tickets. So the hell with safety when the "bottom line" is on the line. I will not even get into the "Big Brother" privacy issues surrounding these traffic cameras. Now Los Angeles' red light camera income is falling short of expectations, possibly by tens of thousands of dollars a month, according to the city budget office. Oh Boo-Hoo. As I pointed out before, City officials are not shy about the fact that these traffic cameras are driven solely by a profit motive. When safety is up and profit is down, they simply pull the traffic cameras. A story like this should draw the ire of Americans. It does not, so our elected officials will continue to operate without consequences until we hold them accountable.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ode To Hillary Part III

Well, that's a wrap. Here are my remaining Hillary Clinton articles. Clinton dropping out of the race has given me a little time to myself, as she was one of my favorite subjects. I can't help but get that same feeling that I did when I was young and my father took me to see "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan". As Kirk stared out at the Genesis Planet at the end of the movie, you just knew that Spock would be back. Hillary will be back too. She's not going to let a little thing like Obama beating her fair and square stop her.

Related Stories:

Hang Up If Hillary Answers At 3 A.M.
Yo I Didn't Hear No Bell
The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton
The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton Redux
The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton Part III
The Secret Life Of The Evil Empire
Hillary Get Your Gun
Madman Across The Water

Thank You For Being A Friend Obama

I think that I have been pretty fair in my criticism of the candidates so far in the process. It goes without saying however, that I will be more critical of the candidates who's political views differ greatly from my own. I should also point out that I wrote articles in defense of those same candidates, when I felt it was warranted. In the beginning, I held back from using circumstantial evidence and endeavored to avoid "swiftboating" the candidates. Now that Senator Barack Obama is firmly in place as the Democratic Nominee, he will be subjected to an even greater scrutiny. In "Where There Is Smoke There Is Fire", I began to link together some of the more questionable aspects of Obama's past and saw a pattern. The pattern concerned some of Obama's friends and associates. From former terrorists to anti-American speakers, Obama's associates leave a lot to be desired. The latest of Obama's shady friends that I learned of is Rashid Khalidi, a former high level official in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Khalidi has espoused hate speech about Israel in the past, and also has held fundraisers for Obama's campaigns in the past. I have been careful not to rush to judgement about Obama. I attempted to dismiss at first, the "flag lapel" and "Pledge of Allegiance" incidences. There now is just an overwhelming amount of evidence, mainly in the form of Obama's associations, that have forced me to outright question his judgement if not his very motives. Obama's bid for the Presidency has been endorsed by leaders from Hamas and also by Castro in Cuba. Too many people are being taken in by Obama's abundance of charm. When you look a little deeper, it's not such a pretty picture.

Related Stories:

Wright Torpedo's Obama

Another Torpedo For Obama

I suppose He Never Read It

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ode To Hillary Part II

Hillary, parting is such sweet sorrow. Here is the rest of my Clinton posts for May. I had no idea that I had written so many. Now that she is out of the race, perhaps I will have the time to get a life. There are even some posts where I defended or praised Clinton. Hard to believe, but fair is fair. Check some of them out.

The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton Part IV
Game, Set, Match
Now The Blame Game
Punch, Counterpunch
Hillary Reads My Blog
And The Winner Is...
Change The Rules For Me
End Game
Does This Mean Anything
America For Sale
Don't Have To Dig Deep
"Screw Them"
This Is Painful To Admit; Again

Running On Empty
I Have That Sinking Feeling
This Is Painful To Admit
Clinton Will Not Make Nice
Poly-Tics As Usual Part II

Over A Barrel...Of Oil

I dared to hope that oil prices were beginning a downward trend when they sunk into the $120 per barrel range last week. Those hopes were dashed as oil closed on Friday at nearly $139 per barrel, setting a new record high. Another mark was also set for the largest single day increase in oil prices on record. That is not the kind of records that we want to be setting. To add insult to the injury, analysts predict that oil will hit at least $150 per barrel by July 4. That is less than a month away, and sure to put a damper on Independence Day festivities. It can not be overstated just how much some families are suffering from rising oil prices and the subsequent effect that it has had on the price of goods and services. Despair is beginning to take hold as we feel like we are sinking deeper into the abyss. Our Government is either unwilling or unable to help. Probably a little of both I suspect. It's going to be a difficult summer.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thank God It Was Saved

In April I reported that the Governor of New Jersey Jon Corzine (D), has slated 9 of our State Parks to close or reduce their services, as part of his State Budget cuts. Of particular concern to me was Monmouth Battlefield State Park. The park is set on the site of The Battle of Monmouth that took place during the American Revolutionary War. In the time since, I have written about how the concerned citizens of New Jersey were able to get Governor Corzine to keep his mitts off of our State Parks. My family and I have enjoyed visits to Battlefield Park 4 or 5 times since that victory. As I walk through this pristine place, I have an even greater appreciation for it, having come so close to losing it. In two weeks my family and I will be attending the annual reenactment of the Battle Of Monmouth. It is really quite a spectacle, complete with hundreds of actors, live cannons, and historical lessons. Though I am not sure of the exact number, there were thousands of people in attendance last year. If you are in New Jersey on the weekend of June 21-22, you should check it out. You will not be disappointed.

Related Stories:

Save Our Park

Save Our Park Update

We Saved Our Park

I Will Not Be Ignored Barack

I just could not resist taking a parting shot at Hillary. I think that this story from a about a month ago, got lost in the busy news shuffle surrounding the contentious Democratic Primary process. A fellow Democrat, Representative Steve Cohen, was speaking on television last month and answered a question about Hillary Clinton's remaining in the primary race. Cohen stated that "Glenn Close should have just stayed in the tub". Cohen was referring to the movie "Fatal Attraction" where Actress Glenn Close portrayed a crazed woman obsessed with a married man. I suppose the comparison Cohen was inferring between Clinton and Glenn Close's character was, that due to mental illness, neither woman gave up long after it was apparent to any sane person that they should quit. As you might expect, Rep. Cohen will not be on the Christmas card list of any women's groups this year. I have said prior in this blog that Clinton had the right to remain in the race until it was over and should not be pressured out. So I think that Rep. Cohen deserves the heat that he is getting for his gaffe. His remarks were wrong and very foolish. How could any intelligent person in Government say such an idiotic thing and expect anything except outrage. If Leno had said it, I would probably think it was pretty funny.

Ode To Hillary Part I

I suppose that I can make a protracted goodbye to Hillary since it took her four days to exit the race for the Democratic nomination. Clinton did just that today in her speech a few hours ago. I watched Clinton's half hour long exit speech in it's entirety. Hillary left no room for any reasonable doubt that she was dropping out and trowing her complete support behind the Democratic Nominee, Senator Barack Obama. If Clinton is engaging in some sort of subterfuge by retaining her delegates, I do not think that people would accept it. So it's finally over. I must admit Clinton gave a good speech. She talked a little longer about herself than perhaps Obama supporters would have liked, but all things considered, they should be satisfied with her speech. So I decided to post the links to some of my favorite Hillary Clinton articles that I wrote. I will do this in a few parts over the weekend. This first installment will be from the end of May through June, when the race really heated up between Clinton and Obama. It includes some of my favorites:

20/20 Vision At 86
Hillary Say It Isn't So
The Finish Line?
Have A Drink On Me
The Final Countdown
In A Galaxy Far Far Away
La Isla Bonita
You Get Half
The Secret Life Of Hillary Clinton Part IV
Mr. Peanut Jumps Ship
Divided They Stand

Obama, Courageous Or Crazy?

Last night Senator and Democratic Nominee Barack Obama had a one on one meeting with Senator and former rival Hillary Clinton. The two met at the home of Senator Dianne Feinstein with no one else present. Are you crazy Barack? I hope you at least had somebody pat her down to check for weapons before you got into the house. Hey, Clinton is the person who at one time offered up the RFK assassination as a reason for her remaining in the race. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting. I wonder if Obama asked Clinton why the hell she has not conceded. Do you think Clinton plainly stated that she wants the VP spot? Was it Hillary in the study with the candlestick? This whole primary has been like a soap opera with some really bad acting. It is truly amazing that the race is still this interesting. Saturday Clinton is expected to give a speech and officially endorse Obama, however questions remain. Will Clinton suspend her campaign and attempt to pull a fast one? Will she bring Obama out as a surprise guest? Will she finally divorce that no good cheating husband of hers? Find out, on the next "As the Dems turn".
Related Stories:

Silly Billy

I Have That Sinking Feeling

Clinton Will Not Make Nice

It's The Economy Stupid

I am paying attention to the financial news more so now than at any other time in my life. No, I don't have huge amounts of money invested in the stock market or anything like that. I am just deeply concerned about our economy and it's impact on my family. Many of the economic "experts" are still insisting that things are not as bad as they seem and that the Country is not in a recession. Common sense tells me a different story. In my three decades, I can not remember a darker economic period. Some say our last recession was at the turn of this century, but in my memory, it was nothing as bad as the shape we are in right now. To find an accurate historical comparison, I believe that you would have to look to the late 1970's. I was too young to pay any bills at that time. So not only is it disturbing that there are the worst economic times in 30 years, it is also scary that it's getting worse. Oil hit a new record high today at nearly $139 per barrel. That as our Nation's unemployment rate soared to 5.5 percent, in the biggest one month jump in decades. Add on the housing and mortgage crisis, and you have a bleak economic picture. All of this is like the perfect economic storm because of it's timing. Until a new President is inaugurated and a new Congress is seated, Washington will not make any moves for fear of the political fallout. TV star Ed McMahon and former Heavyweight Champ Evander Hollyfield have recently gone into foreclosure. Things are getting pretty bad when wealthy Americans are feeling the pinch.

Related Stories:

Forced Into Change

Out Of Gas


Friday, June 6, 2008

20/20 Vision At 86

Last Wednesday I got the chance to have an extended visit with my Grandfather. If you noticed, the title of my blog is "My Grandfather's America. One of my original intentions when I created this blog, was to keep one eye on current events, while the other looked on with the perspective of our "greatest generation". It's not out of the ordinary for Pop and myself to discuss what is going on in the world (and the Yankees). At 86 he still dons his glasses, then reads the newspaper and watches cable news faithfully each and every day. So I asked Pop on Wednesday, what he thought about the Democratic Primary now that it was over; sort of. Pop's answer; "That Clinton is a phony, even amongst politicians, she's a phony". Pop went on to express his disbelief that Clinton had not conceded the race to Obama after he achieved the amount of delegates needed to nominate. Pop is not the only one shaking his head about Clinton, days later and she has still not officially conceded the race. I have to respect Pop's opinion. Just think about all of the politicians that he has seen come and go over the years. After all, when Pop was born Warren G. Harding was the President. I think that he hit the nail right on the head. Hillary Clinton most closely resembles the stereotype politician. Even at 86 and wearing glasses, Pop still has 20/20 vision where it counts.

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We Did Not Hate Our Country

We Did Not Have To Struggle Like You Do

No Laughing Matter

Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson's long time sidekick on the "Tonight Show" is in danger of losing his multimillion-dollar Beverly Hills home to foreclosure. McMahon is $644,000 behind in payments on his $4.8 million mortgage loan that he got in 2005. McMahon has been unable to work in a few years due to a neck injury, but at 85 years old, he should be able to retire. He has found himself in the same situation so many homeowners in the recent mortgage crisis. I feel bad for Ed McMahon, he always seemed like a nice man, and certainly made us laugh alongside Carson all of those years. The Country is in bad shape when even are rich celebrities are facing foreclosure. Ed needs someone from American Family Publishers' Sweepstakes to show up at his door with the big check.

Wrath Of God

In the recent "Another Torpedo For Obama", I criticized Father Pfleger's nasty remarks about Senator Clinton, and questioned Obama's 20 year association with him. Father Pfleger was the latest of Obama's friends to draw ire for controversial statements. Obama's past friends and associates have turned out to be quite a cast of characters. That cast would probably cost any other candidate the election, but with an Obama friendly media, he just might get a pass. Father Pfleger does not have the same fortune. Although Father Pfleger sort of apologized for his verbal assault on Clinton, Cardinal Francis George says he asked Father Pfleger to "take leave for a couple of weeks from his pastoral duties." The Cardinal in his statement said "(Pfleger) does not believe this to be the right step at this time." "While respecting his disagreement, I have nevertheless asked him to use this opportunity to reflect on his recent statements and actions in the light of the Church's regulations for all Catholic priests". Oh, somebody's in trouble. I grew up as a member of the Catholic Church and can say that I never met a Priest that acted remotely like Father Pfleger. They were kind and gentle, seemingly absent of hate or divisiveness. Check out the Father Pfleger video on You Tube and decide if he fits into the kind and gentle category.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Does Mr. Peanut Matter?

Former President Jimmy Carter has been all over the news in recent months. I think Carter is on the short list of the worst President's in American history, and seeing him around so much lately has been annoying. From his failed negotiations with terrorists, to his opinions about the political climate, I have heard enough from the man. I wish that he would go back to building houses already. I do not think that I am alone in my desires, the Democrat's, Obama in particular, probably wishes that crazy old Uncle Jimmy would retire his mouth. Speaking about the historic clinching of the nomination by Senator Obama, Carter was quick to provide some advice about a possible Obama/Clinton ticket. Carter said; ""I think it would be the worst mistake that could be made," ... "That would just accumulate the negative aspects of both candidates". What the hell does that even mean? Do their positive aspects accumulate as well? Is their any math involved in this equation Mr. Carter? I suppose the only question that really matters is, does anybody still put any stock in what crazy old Uncle Jimmy has to say? Whether old or young, the Democrat's never disappoint us with their antics. That's why I refer to them as the "New Keystone Cops".

Related Stories:

Mr. Peanut Jumps Ship

Hillary Say It Isn't So

As I am sitting here working on a few posts, I stumbled across some breaking news that I had to read twice. It seems that Senator Hillary Clinton plans to officially end her campaign for President on Friday. It has been reported through sources that Clinton has told her campaign staff that Friday would be their last day. What is confusing to me is that sources have also said that Clinton will suspend her campaign rather than close it down entirely. By suspending her campaign, Clinton would retain control of her delegates. That does not sound like someone who has conceded the fight to me. I think that Clinton is employing a "rope a dope" tactic. She will lull everybody into thinking it's over, and then mount her attack in Denver this August at the Democratic Convention. We should listen very carefully not only to what Clinton says on Friday, but how she says it as well. The only other possibility is that she is trying to apply leverage to get Obama to pick her for VP, which by the way he would be crazy to do.

Sweet Irony

It's really funny how things work out sometimes. Last month in "What Have You Done For Me Lately", I tried to put some polling data into perspective. We all know that President Bush's approval ratings are low, but I was surprised then to learn that our Democratic controlled Congress had lower numbers than Bush. As it stood last month, Congress had an abysmal approval rating of only 22%. I just saw the latest numbers, and the approval rating of Congress has fallen to around 18.4%. Isn't ironic, don't you think? Their approval rating matches the 18.4 cent bogus "gas tax holiday" Congress floated out there to bring us relief. Well the American people showed you what we thought of that idea. We liked it about 18.4%. With the job that Congress is doing, they should consider themselves fortunate to have that.

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Poly-Tics As Usual Part IV